Demons and Monsters

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Barry,Cisco, Caitlin and Nora were standing outside the starlabs mobile lab at the old Ferris landing strip.

"How exactly are you planning to make Barry go faster"Caitlin asked looking at Nora.

"I set up a white line at 1120.23 feet away from dad,it has a laser finish line and a switch,I push the switch giving dad a signal to start.The goal is to have him be able to run 1120.23 feet in one second or less"explained Nora.

"How was that" Barry asked as he returned to where Cisco and Nora had set up the mobile lab.

"Not bad for a first try but I think you can beat this record"answered Cisco

Just when Barry was about to start running there was a crackle of orange lightning and Shockwave showed up .

"Godspeed sent me here yo kill XS"Shockwave  said as he tossed Barry on the ground.

Barry got up and threw a lightning bolt at Shockwave, Shockwave glided away from the bolt of lightning.

"You can't beat me Flash, I am only here for XS"said shockwave charging at Barry.

" Uncle Cisco shot your vibrations on the ground where Shockwave is running it will throw him off balance"said Nora looking at Cisco.

Cisco complied firing off a vibrational wave at Shockwave knocking him off balance this allowed Barry to gain on him,when Barry was close to him he noticed something.The lightning next to Shockwave became laced with huge amounts of red and black lightning,and then he saw it,a face formed in the middle of the lightning next to Shockwave,an arm coated in black armour grabbed Shockwave by the neck and in an instant the cyclone of lightning was gone.

Holding Shockwave off the ground was a monster clad in a suit that resembled red armour plating with bloodred energy and lightning,in the center of it's chest was a Scarlett circle adorned with a black lightning bolt, it's head  and face looked like a skull with glowing red eyes.Massive amounts of energy spewing from its eyes and mouth making the helm look like it was on fire giving it's terrifying look a demonic tone,next to the red monster stood another monster this one clad in a suit of black armour plating with black energy and lightning,on its chest was a Scarlett circle with a red  lightning bolt, it's head and face looked like a skull with really black eyes.Massive amounts of energy spewing from its eyes and mouth making it look like it was on fire with a black glow.

"Who.........who the fuc"Shockwave never finished as the red speedster shoved his free arm into his chest making him scream in pain.

Team Flash couldn't describe the feeling inside them as they watched the scene unfold fright, horror,a small speck of gratitude.They all silently watched as the red speedster slowly withdrew his hand from Shockwave's body,all the lightning from him arced and melded with the red speedster's sea of lightning with an unholy scream he tore his arm out of Shockwave's chest.

In his hand was what could only be described as an effigy of Shockwave but made entirely of lightning,the red speedster gave the lightning effigy to the black speedster,who put in its mouth as if it was eating the raw speedforce energy.

As soon as it finished devouring the lightning effigy it turned towards Barry.In a flash of black and red lightning the devilish speedsters were past him and gunning for Nora .

Barry could see the fear in his daughter's face as the black and red speedsters rapidly approached her.

There was a flash of yellow lightning and Nora found herself some ways away from the black and red speedsters with Barry's arms wrapped around her.The two devilish speedsters stopped and looked directly at Barry and Nora,but to everyone's surprise they turned into the opposite direction running into a speedforce portal.

"Ok.......... what the hell was that?"Cisco asked still shaking from fear.Barry and Caitlin turned to Nora hoping for an explanation.

Nora's shocked and horrified face spoke volumes more than her words "that was SPEED DEMON and DEATHSPEED ....."answered Nora fear evident on her voice

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