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Ok so this one will not be after a fight.

America was walking through his house when he walked by a mirror in his living room, thinking he saw something strange in the mirror he walked back. As soon as he looked in the mirror he saw himself, but coloured differently and with a bat with nails coming out of the end. America's eyes widened " oh my god! That looks so cool!" America yelled out. The image in the mirror smirked "oh really?" He asked twirling his bat. America nodded, but then his face went pale "a-re you a g-ghost? Is that w-why you're in the m-mirror?" He asked getting scared, he had heard of bloody Mary, which was a legend in his country that almost everyone knew, he was afraid this ghost would be like that and kill him. This made the image laugh "I'm not a ghost, I'm you" the image said, this greatly confused America "how are you me? Are you a demon that's going to take over as me??" America started freaking out again "wow you're a wimp, but I'm not a demon I'm you from another dimension, although I am planning to take over your world with some others from my dimension" the other America said. "How are you going to take over if you are trapped in a mirror?" America asked, the other face palmed "I'm not trapped in a mirror, I'm just using it to communicate, it's something our England came up with" he said, America thought about this "do you guys have other dimension people of all the countries?" America asked, the other nodded. "So if you are me, why are you different?" America asked, "because we are kind of an opposite, but not completely opposite, for example you like burgers, and I'm vegan, because meat is disgusting. Another example for how we are the same is, you like baseball and I like baseball also, but for different reasons that don't matter right now" the other explained. America nodded finally understanding "ok I get it but you still won't be able to take over our world, because I am the hero! And I don't allow it!" America yelled running away somewhere else.

I'm sorry if this was off, and I kind of made America more of a wimp than usual, but he is afraid of supernatural stuff, so I was thinking that this might happen, but I'm not sure, I hope you liked it though.
Bye bye.

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