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* Gilberts POV *

"Hey, guys you let the thing get away, we saw him jump out the window" I said walking back into the house. I looked over and saw Elizaveta in Ludwigs arms, she had blood dripping from her head "E-Elizaveta?" I walked over. I looked at West "what happened to her?" I asked, shaking "she hit Allen, so he hit her harder" he explained "what would she do that?" I asked, I was starting to get mad since that thing thought he could get away with hurting her. "He called her doll, and was kinda flirting with her I guess, and you know how Elizaveta is" he explained, so he also flirted with her? "Ludwig, will she be ok?" I asked, he nodded "she should be" I looked at her.

*Ludwigs POV *

I looked at my brother worriedly, I know that they were close friends since childhood even though they fight sometimes, so I know it must hurt him to see her like this. I also knew that he was planning to kill that thing by himself, and I couldn't let that happen "Gilbert can you take Elizaveta back to her and Rodriechs house and stay with her? She can't be alone right now" i asked him so that he wouldn't go off and get himself killed. I could tell he was thinking about just running out and going after him, but then he nodded his head "yeah, she needs the awesome me to protect her, Rodriech wouldn't be enough protection without my awesomeness" he tried to smile. I handed him Elizaveta, and he carried her out of the house.

*Felicianos POV*

"He is going to kill us!" I ran, pulling my fratello behind me "slow your ass down, bastard!" Lovino yelled "no! If we slow down he will kill us!" I continued running.

*Rodriechs POV *

What are these things anyways? I don't understand, I saw Vash (Switzerland) and Lily (Liechtenstein) standing in front of me, Lily looked like she was crying and Vash was trying to confort her "what happened?" I asked, mainly to Lily, since i still didn't like Vash too much. Lily looked up at me, and Vash turned to look at me "Lily says she saw a 'mirror monster' so I'm trying to tell her they aren't real" Vash explained, I looked at Lily "did the monster look kinda like you, but a little different, and acted almost the opposite?" I asked, she nodded "how did you know?" She asked "because they are real, there is one of every country, they are called 2ps" I explained. Vash glared at me "don't encourage her imagination" "but big brother, she really was there I promise" she said to him "then can you prove it?" He asked "I dont know" she said shaking. I sighed "I can" I said, pulling out a hand mirror.

Bye bye!

rise of 2p! hetaliaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz