It begins

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This is going to start before the previous chapter, but it well get caught up.

*Allens Pov*

I glared at Oliver "why the fuck are you smiling like that?" I asked him, he had one of his creepy smiles, that usually means he either has an idea, or is about to kill someone. "Oh no reason, Allen, also, stop cursing or else you well put money in the swear jar!" I sighed, I hate that stupid jar "fine, but tell me what is going on first" he continued smiling "oh you well find out, now Matt!" He yelled. I was grabbed from behind, I am guessing by Matt, and thrown through, I think a mirror, and landed onto the ground. I turned looking back to see nothing but a mirror "where the fuck am I?" I yelled looking around. "Arthur we brought you some extra McDonald's if you want!" I heard someone yell, "who the fuck is out there?" I yelled about to walk out. "Dude, you need to calm down, or the hero Will have to come stop you!" The voice yelled back, I thought, then walked out "hero? Oh I understand now" i looked at Alfred who had started to look scared at the sight of me. "Alfred?" I smirked looking at the one who looked like Oliver "close enough."

*Ludwigs POV*

I pulled out a gun, keeping it hidden away from the others in case this thing decided to attack, but i wanted answers before killing him. I turned to check on the Italians, but saw them missing with the front door open, of course they ran.

*Hungarys POV *

I had no doubt this thing was bad, so I continued to hold my pan, ready to attack if necessary, I had looked over at Ludwig, I noticed he had pulled a gun out, trying to keep it hidden, and decided not to attack unless it was necessary, or he attacked first. I noticed that Gilbert and Rodriech had snuck out once this thing came, wimps. "Who are you if you aren't Alfred then?"

I decided to be the one to ask the question that everyone was wondering. He smirked at me  "the name is Allen doll" I glared at him "don't call me that I am not some delicate little toy, I am a warrior" I explained, that just made him smirk more "oh so you're a feisty doll, that's how I like it" I was ready to hit him "you filthy little-" "Elizaveta, he is trying to anger you, you are just giving him the results he wants" I was interrupted by Ludwig. I knew it was best to listen to Ludwig and ignore him, but sadly I can't do that, so instead I walked up to Allen, and slapped him, he stood in shock for a few seconds "you shouldn't have done that doll" he picked up a bat with nails sticking out of it, and hit me with it, the last thing I saw was darkness.

*Allens POV *

I was gonna let the bitch get away without harm, but she had to be taught a lesson.

*Ludwigs POV *

"Elizaveta!" We all screamed out as she fell to the ground, even that one country that looks like Alfred but no one knows his name. I pointed my gun at Allen "we let you live too long" I started to shoot, but he dodged and ran to the window. He turned back one more time before jumping out the window "everyone else is coming, the war has started" he jumped out the window. I walked over to Elizaveta and picked her up, she has to either go home or to the hospital, she can't stay here, the area is no longer safe. "Uh, Ludwig? What do we do now?" Arthur asked, I looked at the other three in the room "I don't know anymore, they seem to unpredictable to make a plan, we just need to get all of the rest of the countries safe before more people get hurt like Elizaveta" the three nodded in agreement.

Ok that was kinda long, and a lot happened, hope you guys liked it.
Bye bye.

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