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This is going to kind of continue the previous chapter.
Hungary: Elizaveta
2p Hungary: Lizzy (I don't know her actual human name)
Prussia: Gilbert
Austria: Rodriech
2p Prussia: Gillian

"Elizaveta! Rodriech!" I heard Gilbert yelling throughout the house, as I heard the door slam open. I sighed as I grabbed my frying pan and walked to him "what do you want Gilbert?" I said boredly, he started talking so fast I couldn't hear him, so I hit him with the frying pan and he calmed down "why did you hit the awesome me?" He said annoyed. "Because you need to calm down, now what do you want?" I asked him "oh yeah, there is a ghost in the mirrors" I said worriedly,  I looked at him like he was crazy "you're an idiot" I told him as I walked away. He grabbed my hand "I'm not lying, he threw a knife at me! Come on I will show you!" He said pulling me to a mirror, pointing I saw nothing "Gilbert I am going to beat you with my frying pan" "no don't I promise I saw it at my house" he said scared, I lifted my frying pan about to beat him. "No! Don't hurt the cutie!" I heard a small girly voice shout, I slowly looked in the mirror seeing someone who looks like me, but much more girly, hugging an albino boy who looked like Gilbert, except he had a scar on his face and looked depressed, so I knew for sure it wasn't the annoying Gilbert. "Who are you two?" I asked as Gilbert stood next to me shaking "it's them, the one that looks like me, is Gillian he is from another dimension, and he is crazy, I guess that girly one is you" Gilbert said in fear. "He is right, my name is Lizzy, this is my boyfriend Gillian!" the girl said smiling innocently, Gilbert and me looked at them confused "boyfriend?" We both said, she nodded. Gilbert and me started making barf sounds, thinking about that "those sounds are gross, so stop making them" the girl said, we just started to laugh, I guess Gil wasn't afraid anymore.  "I told you he was annoying" the other albino said pulling out a knife, Gilbert ran behind me and hid "what are you doing Gil? He can't hurt us he's in the mirror" I told him, he shook his head "no" I rolled my eyes and pulled out my frying pan "he can still hurt you" Gilbert said, I ignored him and was about to hit the mirror to shatter it so they would go away, but before I could a knife shot out cutting the outer skin of my arm and hitting the wall behind me, i looked down seeing blood "how?" I asked my self "Elizaveta! You're hurt!" Gilbert yelled looking at the cut "it's just a small scratch Gil" I told him, then looked at the mirror Gillian was smirking and Lizzy looked sad "I hate violence, it saddens me that Gillian had to do that, but it is for the best" Lizzy told us. Gilbert glared at her "he didn't have to hurt anybody! There is no point!" Gilbert yelled "true, besides the war hasn't started yet, and don't worry, next time it won't just be a scratch" Gillian said. I could tell they were angering Gilbert, so I lifted the pan slamming it into the mirror, shattering it into many pieces. Gilbert grabbed my hand and pulled me to the medical area in the house "Gilbert what are you doing now?" I asked "fixing the cut, it was my other dimensional person who did it, so I'm going to fix it" he said, pulling out a band aid and placing it on the cut "there I fixed it for you!" He said, looking up at me, smiling, I laughed at him "you are wierd" I told him "no, I am the awesome Prussia" he said, I rolled my eyes "oh yeah and do you have any food? I'm hungry and I was going to eat at home, but that thing showed up so I ran away, and I don't want to go back, because I don't want to be alone with them here, and I don't know when West will be home" he asked. I could tell he was trying to hide the fact that he was scared, but still I nodded and gave him a sandwich. Honestly I'm a little afraid too, if those things are there, what could happen? And what did they mean next time? I decided to try and ignore it, me and Gilbert ate, and tried to distract eachother and wait until Rodriech got home, so that we could explain the broken mirror, and what was happening.

*Germanys pov*

"Gilbert where are you?" I yelled throughout the house, after seeing the knife in the bathroom and that thing in the mirror, I wasn't sure if he was ok or not.

Ok so there it is, it was so much easier to write with two 1ps and two 2ps instead of just one like in the other chapters. Also I just thought of how someone could take this chapter, and take the relationship between Hungary and Prussia however you want, whether it be close friends or more than that, I don't care, I'm acctually glad that I made it to go either way, I think it's better like that, but ship them in this or dont, it isn't the focus so it doesn't matter (except the 2ps of them are together) I also decided to make Germany worried about his brother. Next i will probably do Austria's part, so i can continue, and then i might start doing random again, mabey, or maybe i will make it continue more in stories, i don't know yet.
Bye bye.

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now