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* Elizavetas POV *

Darkness, that is all I could see, I tried to think of the last thing I could remember. Slowly my eyes opened and I saw Gilbert staring down at me.

* Gilberts POV *

I had been watching her really close since we had gotten to her house, I had layed her down on the couch and I was looking down at her to make sure she was safe, when she finally awoke.

*Elizavetas POV *

"Gilbert!" I sat up fast, hitting both of our heads together hard "ow! Mein (my) awesome head!" He yelled. I looked around, noticing we were in my house "Gilbert why are you in my house?" I asked, he smiled "the awesome me was just making sure you are safe after what happened" he explained, I got confused "what do you mean?" I asked him. He then explained everything that happened, since apparently when I got knocked out I lost memory of the 2ps. "That explains why my head has been hurting" I felt the back of my head, feeling a gash, it hurt to touch it. "I'm going to kill him!" I yelled, standing up fast, only to fall back down, guess I haven't gotten all of my strength back from the incident "you are not killing anyone! The awesome me has to watch you to make sure you don't get hurt" he said, glaring at me. "That sounds like a challenge to escape to me" I said smirking,  he shook his head "don't you dare even try frau! (Woman)" he yelled "I will do wht I want Gilbert" he smirked at me and I frowned "Gilbert? Why are you smirking?" He sat down on me, so I couldn't move "there, now you can't escape" he laughed. "Gilbert! You are being childish! Get off now!" I struggled to escape, he shook his head, and turned on the tv "not until your are better, then we can go kick 2p butt together" he said smiling at me. I smiled back, seeing as that was the only option at the moment "fine" I watched tv with him, as he still refused to get off me, he obviously didn't trust me.

* Gilberts POV *

Why is she so stubborn? I am doing this for her own good, I don't want to see her get hurt, she is the only one who hasn't truly given up on me, even though I am not a country anymore, all the other countries see me as worthless now, Francis and Antonio are still kind of my friends, but it's different with Elizaveta, they don't completely believe in me like Elizaveta. West believes in me too, but he is my brother, and I raised him, so he doesn't really have a choice. (Sorry I got a little depressing there, sorry)

*Arthurs POV *

We have gathered all of the countries into the meeting building in London, except of course Gilbert and Elizaveta, who of course we're hiding out in Elizavetas house, while the rest of us came up with a strategy. We figured it would be best for those two to stay hidden in Elizavetas house, since it's less likely they will be found there, because the rest of us are here. Elizaveta is hurt, so obviously she can't fight right now, and since Gilbert isn't a country anymore, he is the most suitable to take care of her instead of fighting. Of course like all other world meetings everyone was talking, loudly, even though this is probably the most important meeting we have ever had. "EVERYONE SHUT UP" we all looked towards Ludwig, who of course was the one who yelled. "This is the most important meeting we have ever had, so listen up or you could end up dead, or seriously injured, understood?" He asked them, everyone nodded, and Ludwig went on to explain the situation.

*Allens POV*

I stood in front of a mirror in a basement of an abandoned building, looking at the countries from my world in front off me "they know about us, it's time to put the plan in action" I said smirking "ok then, we can begin" Oliver replied. Oliver and the other 2ps started to climb through the mirror, so that we could make our plans complete.

Yay, I finally wrote another chapter, so now all of the countries are aware of the 2ps, and the 2ps are in the 1p would, things are about to get serious! Also, sorry if any of this sounds like Pruhun, i am not doing this on purpose, but Pruhun is my OTP so it keeps seeming like that, but it doesn't have to be, luckily it could go either way, you could see it as a ship thing, or as just really close friends, hopefully i won't make it to biased either way, it's your choice. I hope to update soon, and I am so thankful to everyone who is reading this! You guys are so awesome!  I never thought I would be able to actually have people read my stories, so thank you, anyways,
Bye bye!

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now