The 2p world

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Okay so i know this story is probably getting really confusing and I'm about to make it more confusing and I have to say I'm sorry, also once again I'm sorry for taking a while to update and I have no excuse for that. One more thing since i add characters in randomly though out the story I am no longer going to put the names and countries at the beginning of the chapters hopefully you know most of them from earlier chapters and if they weren't in earlier chapters I will try to put the country names by the human names in parenthesis, and no more warnings,  you guys should know better by now. And now for this chapter we bring you the 2p world!!!!

*Olivers POV*

Well well well it seems that most of the 1ps are blaming my 1p, so far our plan is working gre- "Oliver where the fuck is my bat?!??" I looked back to see my brother Allen enter the room with rage "Allen what have I said about swearing?" I asked him, he knows how I hate the swearing yet he still insists on doing it. He sighed "I know, I know I won't do it again, now where is my bat?" I didn't Believe him, but i don't feel like arguing so I ignore it for now "your bat is in your room where you left it, now would you like a cupcake, I just made a fresh batch" his eyes shot up "hell no! You won't kill me that easily!" "Allen, swear jar, now" he sighed and went over to the jar on the counter, dropping in 25 cents "stupid swear jar" he mumbled while walking towards his room "don't mumble! I hate the mumbling!" I yelled after him.

*Gillians POV*

I watched as Lizzy skipped around the room as happily as ever what reason is there to be happy right now? As if she had read my mind she ran over and tackle hugged me to the ground, she may not be her 1p, but she was just as strong "Gillian there is every reason to be happy you need to cheer up more!" She smiled down at me, i looked up at her "sure there is..." just then Rodney walked in "well, having sex in the middle of the room are we? Can I join?" He stood at the doorway and I glared at him I hate that stupid pervert I picked up my knife and threw it at him "shut up, pervert" he caught the knife between his fingers "someone's grumpy today" he said to me, i growled at him. Lizzy looked down at me "Gillian you don't need to be so violent" she pouted "I know he just makes me mad" I told her. Rodney scoffed "well at least I can make a woman happy" he said smirking "no one cares pervert" I told him, Lizzy smiled and laughed like a child "you two are funny, that's why you two are so important to me, both of you!" She said happily, I rolled my eyes I don't even understand why she is friends with the pervert.

So I hope you liked it that was just an extra thing since i haven't updated in a while,  sorry if you didn't like it, and it didn't really apply to the main story but I thought it was a good Idea, and If you didn't like it you can say it in the comments if you want, but if you did like the chapter that's good!
bye bye.

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now