Meeting part 2

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Heyyy guys
Random cover picture xD

*Arthurs POV *

As I opened the door I was tackled to the ground by Ludwig "Bloody hell! That hurt!" I yelled "how do we get rid of the 2ps?" He yelled at me " why does everyone think I did it?" I yelled back. "It's because of your stupid magic, you damn bastard!" Lovino yelled "the awesome me almost got killed too!" Gilbert yelled, I managed to somehow push Ludwig off of me "everyone stop yelling! It wasn't my fault, one those demons came to me as well, so it isn't my fault, understood?" I yelled as loud as I could. Feliciano then hid behind Ludwig, I guess I scared him, eventually they all calmed down. I invited them in for tea, so we could talk like civilized gentleman (and Elizaveta). "Now that we are all here, we can-" "where the fuck am I?" A voice yelled from the bathroom, interrupting me. Feliciano and Lovino where now both hiding behind Ludwig, and Gilbert and Rodriech were hiding behind Elizaveta, who had a dark aura and was holding her pan, honestly i think i am more scared of her then whoever is in the bathroom. I was about to walk over there to see who broke into the house when Alfred slammed the front door open with Mathew following him "Arthur we brought you some extra McDonald's if you want any!" He yelled. "Who the fuck is out there?" The voice yelled "Woah dude, you need to calm down, or else the hero Wil have to come stop you!" Alfred yelled "Bloody idiot!" I yelled and was about to go stop Alfred from causing problems, until the person walked out of the bathroom "hero? Oh I understand now" the mysterious person said, Alfred looked a little scared as he looked at the other. I looked at the other for a few minutes, everyone was silent until I recognized him "Alfred?" I questioned the mystery person, the other smirked "close enough."

Sorry I think this chapter sucks, i felt like I rushed it. You guys can say what you think.
Bye bye!

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now