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Ok so I will do an arrange of pairings different kinds, that way it's better, and no fighting over what pairings I choose, I asked for suggestions and got one, so I am going to keep Pruhun, and decide more on the way, now on with the story.

*Gilberts POV *

I looked down at the text on my phone:

From: Emil

Gilnert! We need you and Elizaveta to meet us somewhere, only a few of us are safe, the rest were captured..... including your brother....

I stopped and got a sick feeling, they got Ludwig? My brother is gone? I almost started to cry but stopped, no, awesome people aren't babies, that didn't stop the few tears that spilt while I messaged back.

From: Gilbert

My brother? OK where are you guys?

From: Emil

The 2ps might be hacked into the phones, this is Liechtenstein, I took the phone, they got me here too, I was so sad that big brother got taken, but remember that place you used to hide when brother was ready to shoot you?

From: Gilbert

What? You knew I was hiding there??? Vash could have found me easy!!!

From: Emil

Yes, but I didn't tell him, anyways that's where we are, come here.

*Elizaveta POV *

I saw Gilbert about to cry as he told me where we are going "it's your brother isn't it?" He nodded "ja, the 2ps got Ludwig..." I hugged him "I am sorry Gil" he hugged back "it's fine" I nodded and pulled away, and started running. "Where are you going?????" He yelled "I saw the text, and I always knew where you hid" he laughed and ran after me "of course you did, stalker" I lightly punched him, laughing "you jerk."

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now