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Austria: Rodriech
Hungary: Elizaveta
Prussia: Gilbert
2p Prussia : Gillian
2p Austria: Rodney
Romano: Lovino
2p Lovino: Flavio
England: Arthur
warning: cursing

I yawned as I walked through  the door, I was tired after today's work. "Elizaveta? Are you home?" I called out "I'm in here" she replied from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw that annoying idiot Gilbert, and Elizaveta talking, then I noticed the cut on Elizavetas arm, "Gilbert what did you do? Why is Elizaveta hurt?" I asked Gilbert, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes "it wasn't me it was mirror people from other dimensions, I blame Arthur" he said, I glared at him more, "stop joking this is serious!" I yelled at him. "He isn't joking, Gilbert from another dimension, Gillian did this, that's why the mirror is broke" Elizaveta told me "Gilbert broke my mirror!" I yelled "no one said Gilbert did it" Gilbert said talking in third person, Elizaveta smacked him, obviously because of him talking in third person, but she didn't hit him with the frying pan, yet, but I could tell she was going to if he did anything else stupid.  "I'm going to go clean up the mirror that Gilbert broke" I said walking out, "it wasn't me who broke it, I'm too awesome for bad luck, unlike Elizaveta who now has bad luck" I heard Gilbert say as I left, then I heard a long bang, apparently I guess Elizaveta hit him with the pan. I got to the mirror, and sighed, as I picked up the pieces. I looked at one piece and there was a guy, who looked like me, but smirking, and wearing red. I sighed this must be one of the people they were talking about "hello, I'm guessing you are me from another dimension, right?" I asked him " yep, my name is Rodney, and from what I've heard, you are the first person to get that fact without us telling you" he laughed. "Yeah, but Gilbert and Elizaveta told me, now if you'll excuse me, i don't feel like talking to you so I'm going to go listen to beethoven" I said wanting to listen to one of my countries ((not from Austria)) artists. Roddy looked confused " why would you listen to that crap? Classical music sucks, rock is way better" he told me. I said nothing, but on the inside I got mad, so I threw the glass shard against the wall, shattering it even more. "I'll find someone else to clean this later, I don't want to see that idiot again" I said walking back to the kitchen where Elizaveta and Gilbert were.

*Romanos POV*

I stomped through the house I'm going to fucking kill the English - bastard if this is his fault I thought remembering the bastard in the mirror, if I ever see Flavio again I will beat his ass, and then i will kill the English - bastard. I stomped through the house where is my damned fratello? I thought wondering if he knew anything about this crap. I walked by a mirror, seeing Flavio in the mirror " you can't escape" he said, I glared at him "Fuck off and leave me alone, you damn mirror bastard" I said, slamming my fist into the mirror, shattering it. Damn idiot.

Ok so now Romano is getting mad, everyone blames England, what will happen next? Read to find out! Whenever I update.....

Bye bye, my wonderful readers!

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