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Alot of people said Prussia, so here it is enjoy:)
Arthur: England
GIlbert: Prussia
Gillian: 2p Prussia
Lutz: 2p Germany
Ludwig: Germany

I stood up and stretched, I looked around my 'home', or Wests basement, I had been binge watching Netflix and playing Xbox, since the UN decided to be completely unawesome and ruin my awesome country. "Hey West are you home? I'm hungry!" I yelled throughout the house and pouted when I got no answer, this meant I had to make my own food. I walked up the basement steps, when I felt something "ugh I have to pee, food will have to wait." I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. After I was finished I looked into the mirror to look at my awesome self, I had long hair and a scar, wait a second when did I get a scar? And when did my hair get long? "Who are you? And why are you watching me pee?" I yelled at the mirror. He just stared at me sadly " I'm you from another dimension" he said, I started to laugh, because I didn't believe it. "Did Arthur put a curse on my house with that magic crap or something? So unawesome" I told the mirror guy. " I'm serious I am you, my name is Gillian" he said seriously. "Ok, I don't care, you're to boring to be awesome like me, therefore you aren't me" I told him and he rolled his eyes and pulled out a knife "you are really annoying" he said. I looked at the knife "like that knife could hurt me you are stuck in the mirror" I told him "you are right, I am stuck in the mirror, but the knife isn't, and I won't be for too much longer" he said, throwing the knife through the window and it hit the wall.  I 'awesomely' ran out screaming, and yelling I'm sorry over and over.

Germanys pov

I walked into the house, and towards the kitchen, when I saw I knife in the bathroom wall "Gilbert! What the hell did you do in here?" I walked in when I heard a voice in the mirror "you can't get away just by walking away" I turned and saw Lutz standing in the mirror he came back? What is going on?

Ok so i hope you guys liked it! Bye bye

rise of 2p! hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now