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After a lot of screaming and one incident of vomiting, on Naruto's part, he finally got back his arm. Watching it regrow, this time being prepared for it, was a lot easier than Sasuke's. At least, I thought so, Naruto passing out after watching mine gorishly topple off was obviously not going to leave his mind any time soon.

Personally, I'd say I'd rather lose my arm again than have to deal with explaining my situation with everyone... but it seemed as if Sena had left me one gift of having already told the council in my stead. She gave documented proof of our clan's linage, which was something I didn't know existed. Not many in the village knew of the Itadori presence, aside from Ibaki and the fourth Hokage. The latter being dead, of course.

I had officially outlived almost everyone I had known, I realized after a moment of hesitation. The thought passed through me with bitter realization as I settled my back against the wooden wall, newly built. Sana's gift of even having the Itadori complex rebuilt, inch by inch, was the last strand of sorrow to flow into me.

A part of me was beginning to hollow, much to my despair, as she had so much done in such little time and yet she couldn't be bothered to spare me one last goodbye. How very very Sana.

Although, I didn't even know how she managed to convince people to rebuild this place since I didn't remember her having any money. She must of paid a great deal to have it built so quickly. But in all my memories, she somehow always attained any amount of money she wanted. I preferred to not know how, but in the back of my mind, I knew it couldn't be good.

It was her way of saying goodbye, I suppose. She never did like long goodbyes.

My fingers brushed along the wood of the complex, finding that it looked the same as when I was growing up. Sena had it rebuilt down to the last inch from her memory alone.

Judging from Sasuke's expression and the way he hasn't been able to look me in the eye for a week...she must be dead.

Dying without saying goodbye to me...I suppose it might be better this way, somehow.

I found myself sitting down, alone in the room that used to belong to my sister. I still didn't know what happened to her either. I pressed my head into my knees, finding the tears soaking into the material of my pants, my shoulders shaking as I finally allowed myself to cry.

Now...I was truly alone. Crying in an empty an empty house...Sana's gift. It didn't feel like a present to just made me feel alone. Again. The house was rebuilt, piece by piece and yet all it did was remind that it was empty and broken and hallow. The wood had never been walked on...the kitchen had never been occupied and the smell of food has never drifted into the halls. This is a reminder of a life that I didn't know how to even begin to live. This was a cruel reminder of a sister I lost...of a father I destroyed...and of life Sana took from me.

My hands shook as I tried to wipe the tears from my face as I felt my heart quake in pain. It almost felt as if one move would make my body cave in.

I tried to be mad. I tried to feel the hatred or something and yet all I could was cry and long and miss and regret. I tried to hate her and yet all I could do was feel the hole she left behind. It felt like I was falling it and drowning in the darkness with nothing to pull me out.

I quickly glanced up as I heard the sound of footsteps, echoing in the house. I kneaded the heels of my palms into my eyes to stop from crying as I quickly stood up and exited the door. I was met face to face with Naruto.

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