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"For the last time, I am not naming my son Naruto," I stated, and I saw Naruto frown. "How did you even get the impression that I wanted to?" I made a mental note to kick Sasuke's ass for this.

"But Sana, I'm a war hero and your Hokage. I can just command you." He threatened, obviously not serious. I had begun to regret telling him about my pregnancy.

Mastering the Saisei seemed to be easier as days grew by, and I had even been able to age normally and alongside everyone else.Well, more like alongside Sasuke. It seemed like it was another gift that Sena left me along with the history of our clan...but how she managed to convince Enma to teach me after everything, still made me grow more impressed with just how well Sana managed to plan her own death.

Still, it was hard to image my tummy grow big, and according to Sakura I was having twins. The thought of two real live people growing inside me actually made me want to start morning sickness early.

"Naruto, I'm impressed." I commented, and I saw Naruto lean in closer, eagerly awaiting my next words. "Promoted just this morning and you are already making an international conflict. Better be careful, I'm prepared for war. Are you really going to use your power to get babies named after you?" I asked and he immediately nodded.

"I have nothing else to use it on," he retorted, and was immediately yanked up by the ear, a very amused Enma Kumiko, holding him in place. He whined for the girl to let him go but Enma didn't look bothered.

"Look at that, ignoring my advice, Naruto," Enma commented and I found myself smiling, watching as she tugged him back into his seat before hopping on the counter of Ichiraku, much to the amusement of said owner. "What did I say about bothering Sana?"

Naruto pressed his elbow onto the counter, resting his head on his palm. His lips forming into a fox like smile. "To get her to name her kid Naruto."

My eyes narrowed as they snapped to the now frozen solid Enma, her body stiffly rigid as she was stared down by an now annoyed and pregnant Sana.

Enma cleared her throat, almost awkwardly, as she attempted to get down from the counter. Her face had begun showing more emotion as of late, as opposed to the girl I had seen barge into my house six years prior.

"You're training begins now." Enma had said, after breaking my door while I was in the middle of changing my clothes.

"What the actual fuck?" I remember yelling, causing my oldest and only living relative to scoff, her eyes narrowed on me, as I tried to cover my tighty whities.

"Do you want this training or not?"

"You broke my door."

"Do you want this training or not?" Enma repeated, and I specifically remember my next statement.

"That was mahogany." I continued and she blinked.

"Do you want the training or not?"

I found myself laughing at the memory, and before I knew it I was clutching my sides as the laughter rocked my body. I felt Enma staring me down like I had lost my mind, but I found it had never been more found. Giggles rocked my body as I used my free hand to cover my mouth.

"What the fuck?" Enma asked, and I shook my head, happily getting control of my laughter.

"Nothing. Nothing. Everything's fine." I reassured and Naruto leaned in forward.

How to Have a Heartbeat? (Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant