Extra::: Birthday Special

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Sasuke Uchiha sighed, ignoring the repetitive knocks on his door. It was rather sunny outside, but he was trapped in his house by rabid girls who wanted to wish him an early birthday. Obviously they all had the same idea to want to be the first one to say happy birthday, cause they were all outside now.

"Move bitches," said a cold voice from outside the door. A small smirk came onto Uchiha Sasuke's face. Just like Sana to make an entrance.

"Who do you think you are, we're welcome here and you are not," snapped one of the girls outside. Sasuke raised a glass of alcohol to his lips in an uncaring way.

Sana never said anything she just opened the door and slammed it behind her so none would look inside. She put down the fake rock with the spare key in it before turning to Sasuke.

"Seriously, you need to keep that more hidden, it's the only rock outside and it was on the window seal," Sana scolded and Sasuke took another drink from the glass. "Is that sake? Are you seriously drinking."

"I don't remember saying you could come in," Sasuke said simply, standing up and walking over to the kitchen to poor himself another glass.

"You never said I couldn't either," she replied, grabbing the sake bottle from him. "Dude, offer your guest some." Sana didn't bother getting a glass and just drank it from the bottle. "Since when did you drink?"

"This morning," Sasuke answered grabbing the bottle back from her with a sneer. "Why are you here? Don't tell me you wanted to wish me happy birthday too. If you are I'm kicking you out right now."

"It's your birthday?" She asked, flopping on the couch, her hair sprawled out and cascading around her shoulders. Sasuke sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"It's supposed to be in a week, but I got waken up at two a.m with some girl spray painting happy early birthday on my wall," Sasuke said with a slight growl, taking another sip from the bottle. "Not to mention I hate my birthday because this happens every year."

"Wanna touch my boobs?" She asked and Sasuke looked at her from under his lashes. "It always makes me feel better."

"You're so-" Sasuke was cut off by her amused laugh.

"I wasn't kidding but suit yourself," Sana mused before looking at him again, her orange bangs covering her left eye. "I actually came to say goodbye today."

"Goodbye?" Sasuke asked and Sana nodded.

"I have a mission coming up, Anbu business that needs to be taken care of," Sana explained and Sasuke nodded.

"Why are you telling me," he asked and a sly smile came to her lips. "In fact don't you have a boyfriend, Sana?"

"According to him we're engaged," Sana replied, batting her eye lashes.

"Hn," Sasuke said with a sigh. "Shouldn't you be telling him goodbye and not me."

"Oh I did say goodbye to him this morning," Sana answered, making a frown appear on Sasuke's stoney face. "It was a long one."

"Don't use innuendos with me, stupid," Sasuke murmured, taking a larger chug from the bottle.

"You're not going to become an alcoholic are you?" Sana asked and Sasuke gave her another frown before rubbing his temples.

"I'll stop when they stop," Sasuke said, referring to the girls outside knocking and screaming. Sana hadn't really taken notice to the noise till now.

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