Extra::: Filler Ark

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Sasuke couldn't help but glare at the girl who flipped through the menu without a single expression. If there was anything that the young Uchiha hated in this world, there were many, it was how long Sana took to pick something.

"We both already know you are going to order the Udon, so just pick it so we can order," Sasuke finally snapped annoyed. "It's Friday and you always get that on Friday."

Sana blinked her eyes and leaned closer to the table, "You can't possibly know that, I might be tired of the same thing every Friday and want something new. I'm a woman. You know. Stereotype. Hormonal. Yada, yada."

"So you don't want the damn Udon?" Sasuke asked, and Sana closed her menu and looked at him funny as she handed it to the waiter.

"Nonsense, it's Friday," she said simply, and Sasuke rubbed his temples.

The waiter smiled at Sana and wrote down the order without asking. Sana would drag Sasuke to this restaurant every week since they've known each other so it was obvious that the only waiter they've ever had would know the order that Sana chose.

Sana smiled at the annoyed Uchiha not able to help herself. Just as she opened her mouth to say a no doubt snarky comment she was interrupted.

"Hey, you're really pretty, wanna give me your number," said a male voice making Sana turn her head. A smile danced on her lips at the comment directed towards her. She loved being complemented.

Sasuke rubbed his temples annoyed. This would happen every time he would go anywhere with this orange headed moron. Another one of the things that pissed him off.

"Why don't you go to your little kitchen and burn something, undoubtedly your career," Sasuke remarked, and the chief smirked at the Uchiha and dropped his number next to Sana who merely kept on smiling as if she were the best person in the world.

"Can't handle a little competition?" The guy asked and Sasuke allowed a smirk to cross his face.

"Go burn something," Sasuke said simply, taking a drink from his water. Having no come-back the guy walked away. "This is why I'd never date you, Sana. I'd have to deal with this kind of crap all the time."

Sana shrugged and picked up the guy's number. Sasuke glared at it as she held it up to her lips. Her eyes trailed up to the Uchiha.

"If you'd never date me... then I suppose it's okay for me to call him?" Sana asked, before giggling and putting the number in her wine, letting the alcohol make it unreadable.

That was one thing that Sasuke Uchiha loved about Sana Kumiko. No matter where they were she would never hook up with any other guys or show any interest in them. Even though they weren't together, her attention was always given to only him.

"Where is everyone else, they were supposed to meet us here," Sana breathed out, crossing her arms and leaning back against her seat. Sasuke tilted his head to the side and looked at the girl.

"Who cares, let's just eat," Sasuke said as the food was placed before him. "You really should learn how to cook. I'm tired of eating out."

"You were the one who accepted me as your roommate," Sana said simply, picking up her chopsticks and taking a bite of the Udon. "You knew what you were getting into."

He gave her an unreadable expression and slightly smiled, "I know."

"Hey Sasuke," Sana said, and he looked up from his Onigiri.


"Don't talk. I don't like making conversation during my Udon time," Sana said with a smile. Sasuke rolled his eyes, but smiled none the least.

There were pages of things that Sasuke hated about Sana. Like they way she didn't care if she was annoying. How she thinks that she's smarter than everyone just because she went to college at age 12. How she is overly OCD. How she doesn't like it when her food touches and will fuss about it for hours if they do. How she can't make toast. How she had no manners. She was too honest to the point of making people cry. She was vain and arrogant. How she couldn't tell the difference between the truth and sarcasm. How she was a geek. How she considers Klingon an actual language. And he found her obsession with Pokemon incredibly annoying when she hogs the TV to watch it. 

But that list would never compare to the things that Sasuke loved about her. Like how she always knew what he was feeling, even when he didn't. How she always knew when he wanted to be alone. How she knew everything bad about him and still wanted to be with him. How she didn't care if he insulted her and never took it to heart. How she always set aside anything she is doing just to give him her attention when they were together. How she never went out with other guys and when she did she didn't tell him about it. How she never tried to make him jealous. How she wasn't afraid to say what she wanted. She wasn't afraid to be who she wanted. How she would drop everything, important or not, when she thought he even slightly needed it. They weren't even a couple and she always put him first.

"Sana?" Sasuke murmured, Sana gave him a glare and set down the skewer. 

"I said no talking," Sana said simply. Sasuke smirked and threw a small object at the girl which she caught in one hand.

Sana furrowed her eye brows at the Pokeball and looked up Sasuke with a smile before she opened it. Inside was a wedding ring.

"Marry me," Sasuke said simply, on the ring was inscribed a simple 'I chose you' inside.

"I thought I said no talking," Sana said, but never the less she put on the ring.

Sasuke smirked and leaned over the table, catching her lips with his.


                                                  :::AUTHORS NOTE:::

I feel like I've been neglecting this story. I know that I have. But it is really not my fault. All I can give you are fillers and that makes me feel bad.

I actually started writing the next chapter and then the next chapter of the manga finally came out and made my chapter be unable to fit in with Naruto's plot line. So Yeah. A break from this story is all I can do.

I actually made this filler a while ago, but I didn't  like it so I never uploaded it. What made me upload it now? I don't know. I know I'll look back on it tomorrow and want to erase it. But I won't. :D

I hope you liked it. Sorry for the shortness, but I don't want it any longer. ^-^

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