Chapter 12

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My eyes lingered on Caera's figure, standing in front of the bookshelf, different from usual. Her long legs, slender and perfectly toned; moved gracefully to the sides, as she shifted her position; while her curvy hips swayed sensually at every movement. Her index finger gently tapped against her thin pink lips, thoughtfully, as her scarlet eyes swept across the shelves searching for books. She tucked back few stands of her soft navy blue hair, now and then, to keep it out of her face.

She looked different...

Has she always been this attractive? I asked myself absentmindedly; noticing little details about Caera, probably for the first time.

'I know, right? Caera is really hot. Look at those boo—'

'Regis! Get out of my mind!' I yelled inwardly, at the sudden interruption of my thoughts.

'You want me to come out?... Like, now?' Regis questioned.

I sighed in frustration, and ignored my companion. 

Regis continued, following my silence. 'What's gotten you all grumpy, this time? Don't tell you're still thinking about that hug!? You're just over thinking it, if you ask me.' He said mockingly.

'What? I am not!', I replied; a little flustered by his question.

My mind twirled back to the scene that had made my night, sleepless, despite the exhaustion due to the extended training I went through yesterday.

Caera— had pulled me into a hug, in front of the academy's main gate. Although I was caught off guard by her sudden actions, I didn't break her embrace. Or, rather, I couldn't.

She looked happy, yet my shirt had lined with her tears. I didn't understand what had happened.

Caera hadn't talked or, let alone look me in the eyes ever since.

My mind filled with different possibilities for her actions; yet nothing seemed plausible. I thought back to the hug; which is actually the first time— either of us had ever done that.

It wasn't anything like when we had fought together; nor when we have to get close during my 'God Step'; no, it was different. She was different. So was I? I wasn't sure about that...

Even though we have— gotten closer, over the past months; more than I would ever expect with some other woman, I was at a loss for words at this current predicament.

In the morning, I had told her that I wanted to go to the academy library. She had volunteered to come along. The whole journey to the library was awkward, to say the least.

I kept myself from thinking back to yesterday's night; and talked to Regis, to keep myself distracted. 

After getting to the library I spoke to Caera in a plain tone; not wanting to let any emotions slip away. "I — um— we, need to search for books related to these runes" —I showed her sketches of runic symbols— "That might contain information about the relic we received from Drakos."

Caera tried hard to look at my eyes but failed. She gave a silent nod before walking away into the library.

I let out a deep sigh. "Is this how it's gonna be? Awkward all the time?!" I asked myself.

'Alright so you're thinking that Caera had some motive behind her actions?' Regis asked, reading my thoughts.

'No. I don't know... But she sure is acting weirdly. Look at her.' I thought back.

'And, if it's not so obvious to you, then, how about her cry, her tears and the silent sobbing. How would you explain that?' I added.


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