Chapter 17

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"Are we in the right place?", Caera asked, as we stepped out of the relic portal.

I looked around the zone we had just entered, already searching for any signs of the Djinns. We were teleported to what looked to be a large hall that was covered in matte black tiles, as it encompassed the entire walls and the ceiling. The only source of light were from the large sized glass windows placed on one side of the room, that took up almost the entire wall area. "I'm not sure, but the room looks familiar from the memories that I received from the relic. Let's get down."

The portal that we had just entered, was hovering above a large stone pedestal, that was lifted several feet above the ground level. Caera and I jumped down, clearing the height swiftly without making any noise.

"Be on guard." I said to Caera without looking at her.

We stood up, looking around the hall to find an exit out of this place. It was already a proof that we are somewhere different, seeing the many tables and furniture arranged around the hall, all looking towards the central space where the pedestal containing the portal stood. Caera spoke up. "Wait, why does it look similar to—"

"...a sanctuary room? Yeah, I noticed it too." I finished. "Let's find a way ou—"

"Look. There's a door!" Caera exclaimed, gaining my attention. Turning to the direction she was pointing at, I saw a large white coloured door, which seemed to be made of some polished stone as it reflected off the natural light that was coming in from the large fenestrations.

"Alright! Let's go outside, take a look."

The white door was surprisingly easy to push, even without having to reinforcing myself with aether. As the door slid off smoothly without making any sound, our vision was quickly covered with the canvas of bright yellow.

Blinking away the uncomfortable light, I focused on the view in front of me. Series of colourful structures, ranging from different sizes stood on both sides of the building we had just come out of. There were more of them on the other side, as a straight, narrow pathway in the middle intersected and divided them.

It looked like we were standing in the middle of a city street.

"Wow, what new world did we just jump into?" Regis mused. I had the same thought, as the entire colourful—city scape—looked glamorous to the eyes...only if it weren't for the eerie silence it carried. "That is true. With so many buildings, you'd expect lots of people walking around."

"At least the place isn't dangerous, right?" Regis spoke to break the building-up tension.

Without a word, I moved forward to one side of the street, while Caera followed me closely behind.

All the buildings looked distinctively different from the other, in terms of shape, as well as size; but there was one common—no, two common elements between them all....every building had several runic symbols drawn on their facade and, they all housed a circular cavity—albeit of different sizes—carved out, inside those symbols.

'Not all cavities are empty though', Regis pointed out. 'Look at that building; there's a gem embedded on the cavity'.

But, my eyes were drawn back to the empty cavities...which had some sort of 'claw' mark's on them; as if someone with large nails tried to pluck the gems off of the wall surface.

"Look there!" Caera's suddenly spoke up from behind.

I turned to look at the direction she was pointing at, as my eyes caught sight of few pieces of gem-like stones scattered on the floor. She continued. "Are those..."

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