Chapter 19

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My mind calmed down and my body slowly relaxed as ambient aether rushed into my pores, to fill my core. I no longer felt drained and my injuries finally started to heal away.

Using the god rune was a risky move, but I had to take it, given the situation we were pushed into.

I squeezed my eyes tight and blinked away the horrific sight of seeing Caera—bloodied and bruised—the rage that took over me from seeing her that way, pushing me so far as to use the destructive flames.

Then, the memory—or rather, Caera's voice—that pulled me back just when I felt myself losing—giving-in to the power of destruction, came to my mind.

My body relaxed and I calmed down.

I was grateful that I had her by my side...despite the surprise effect she seemingly had on me, I couldn't help but feel the need to embrace her, to protect her inside my arms.

She's special...

My mind echoed those words, making my body resonate as an after-effect...and, I reflexively stroked her hair, pulled her close to me.

The feeling wasn't so odd, in fact it was very natural, yet, it felt somehow wrong to have it?

Shaking away the thoughts, I focused my gaze on Ion. He wasn't what I expected. For one, his body was composed full of aether. Just like Regis, who ha—

'Hey! Don't you dare compare—me, a majestic weapon—to some weird kid. Besides I'm still pissed that you made me carry that little psycho.' Regis started his usual ramblings, which I ignored.

"Be on guard. Ion says that the area should be empty, but still..." I spoke out loud, for Caera to hear who was walking by my side.

She nodded wordlessly, as we strolled forward. The insides of the cave structure were very crude in design, with little to no details to identify just what type of function it was used for.

By now it was very clear that there aren't any living Djinns inside the zone, atleast from what Ion had told me. I thought back to the information he had given me so far, though unbelievable, it looked to be the truth.

[ "Ion, is it? Can you tell me if there are others living here like you?"

"No. Everyone else is dead. M-My father...h-he is dead. And left me alone."

His words struck me and clawed at my insides, bringing up several old memories that I had kept locked. Shaking myself out of it, I composed myself to perform the task at hand.

"H-How exactly did they all...die?" I asked in hesitation. Talking to a child about death, didn't sit well with me.

'But he's the only hope if we ever wish to get an answer—and to get out of this zone.' I thought resolutely.

Ion looked at me with the same expressionless face as his mental answer came once again. "Father never told me. Everyone died before he made me. And father protected me. Protected me from beasts and monsters from taking me. I was alone and afraid. Till you saved me."

'How are you still alive?' I wanted to ask but held myself back.

Looking back at him, his—what should have been a grave wound—looked more like a crack on a surface, than an injury. It was fairly obvious that he wasn't exactly living. Yet he seemed to have a physical body and communicate with others—in a way, albeit using aether—which made me feel intrigued about what he really is.

"Did you and your father live inside this cave?" I asked, changing the heavy topic.

He answered in a monotone. "Yes. He died there. I lived here till I ran from the big beast you killed." ]

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