Chapter 28

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Appearing inside my suite, I staggered, unable to hold myself steady. My knees gave out as I buckled down to the floor, crumbling and hitting the hardwood.

I kissed Caera. 

My mind repeated these words like a holy chant, hitting and ringing against my skull like a giant gong.

What I have done?!

I couldn't breath.

Series of coughs escaped my open mouth, muffling the sounds of my sobs and wails. My fists struck at the hard floor, as I writhed in agony and frustration.

Guilt. Pain. Regret.

All these feelings burst inside me, gnawing and eating away at my very soul.

It was excruciating... it was unbearable.

I clutched at the pendant that was hanging around my neck—pulling it away, breaking it. As if this action would somehow erase my pain, my guilt.

"Will you stop freaking out everytime you kiss someone?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside my head.

I dragged my body to the side to see a figure float through the open window, descending in front of me.

It then transformed into a wolf.


My companion walked closer, eyeing me with an unreadable face. I knew he must've picked up my surge of emotions after I had...kissed Caera.

"So...wanna talk about it?" Regis asked as he settled near the corner of my bed.

I ignored him.

Feelings of embarrassment took over my entire being. I wanted to stay away from everyone and everything. Close myself, focus on the task that I needed to do.

To save my continent.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Regis interrupted my train of thoughts. "Kissing someone like Lady Caera must've been a score in every man's book. But here you are acting as if—"

"Shut the hell up" His words triggered my already raging emotions. "I'm not in the mood to bicker with you, Regis. Go away!" I snapped.

"No. Talk to me". He retorted, moving closer to me.

I shook my head. "You don't understand". My fingers started to tremble. "Tessia. How will I even look her in the eyes?" My throat constricted making me heave for breaths.

"Yeah that's a tough one 'cause we don't know where that trouble maker is..." Regis said nonchalantly.

"That's not what—" I groaned with impatience before shooting a glare at the useless shadow wolf. "Never mind. Just leave me alone!"

"Okay, alright, fine. I'll try to be more serious with you now. I honestly think you should stop acting as if someone had taken away your virginity. It was just a kiss. As simple as that". Regis quipped.

"..." I shook my head dismissively as various thoughts sprung to life inside me, making my doubts and uncertainty rise up threateningly.

It wasn't as simple as just 'one kiss'. What I did was wrong, and I couldn't deny that.

I considered what my mother would think seeing me with someone from the enemy continent—the same continent that killed my father, her husband—in cold blood.

Will she understand if she knows what I had done? Won't she hate me for that, more than she already does?

What would Virion think? It was my fault that his only granddaughter, Tessia had been taken away. How will he react if he sees me with—

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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