Chapter 10 Twins

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     "Who are you?"

The question rang in his ears as he stared at me. "Nate". Why does that name seem so familiar? It feels as if I've heard it before. As if I knew him. "Listen, I have news and you need to come with me." Excuse me? "Like heck, I will. For starters you're a stranger. Secondly you just told me I was a mutant; I could get killed for that. So why would I come with you?" I stared at him in disbelief. "You aren't safe here." I could feel my anger rising to a max. "I'm not safe anywhere! I'm not safe at home, I'm not safe in a forest, I'm not safe by myself! It isn't anywhere safe for me! Between strange men lurking, fake people, random obstacles everywhere in life, I can't catch a break! Now I'm going to be hunted just because I exist! So, tell me how I'll ever be safe again!" I could feel the heat rising in my body and a blast of emotions forming. "I just want answers." I heard a sigh from behind me as if he had better things to be doing. "What do you want to know?" A lot of things. Where do I even begin? I don't know. My brain froze. What did I want to know? I couldn't remember. It was as if something was blocking me from asking what I wanted to. But what? Whispers. Everywhere. I couldn't make them out. It's time. Run. You need to get the answers now. He's right there. Now! Suddenly every thought I had lost was back. My mind was racing a mile a minute. I just needed it to all stop. It's too much. Stop it! A small fire started on a piece of paper on the counter. Nate put it out before I could even react. He didn't even move. I guess he can do it with his mind. I felt his eyes leave the fire and look at me. "I'm sorry, I don't know why that keeps happening. It just happens and I don't know what it is. I don't know how to stop it. I'm sorry, I really am." I looked down at my hands and avoided eye contact at all costs. Nice going, Kay. Started a fire in a stranger's kitchen. Stranger. That word didn't seem to fit. Why does he seem familiar to me? I don't know him, do I? "So, what questions did you have?" I forgot about those. "Uh hold on, I need a minute please." Silence. There seemed to be a lot of that recently. It's as if I couldn't get enough of it. For god's sake, it's not like he asked me a math question, just pick a question and go from there. But which one? I have so many, how could I ever get through them all? Well, might as well start with the most concerning one. "Where are we?"


I looked at Kay and told her that we are in the woods in the state of Tennessee. I started to hum a melody and make my little magic light show start as she asked the second question "Why isn't it safe?" I responded with "People fear us because of what our abilities can do, they worry that with our abilities we are nothing but a threat. They fail to see what we can offer them with our gifts. All they see is nothing but someone with great power and that is an enemy for having those gifts. So, the humans are working on ways to stop and exterminate us, so we are no longer "threats" to them in any way possible, probably by destroying the entire race of superhumans." I said. "Why are you helping me?" she asked. " I have no idea, but you were bleeding pretty bad plus if I didn't take you in then someone might've seen the remains of the people you burnt outside, I may have taken a peek inside your head and let's just say I've seen what you did to those creeps. I have done something like that to my father but with a solid punch through the chest". I quickly said to her, "I can read your mind right now Kay and I can tell that you're trying to figure out who I am, but you have blocked memories preventing you from seeing the clearer answer. I can help you if you want but it's going to mean I have to go back into your mind again". I wonder with my abilities if I might even be able to uncover those hidden secrets but that scar on her arm it's similar to mine. I have a suspicion that I've known her my whole life but how could I? She looks similar to me but that could just be nothing. Certain mutations can occur to make you seem similar to a lot of people but then again, this one looks very similar to me. Could she be the one from my dreams, the supposed twin sister, but there's no way she's my sister cause I don't have any siblings. My only family was my dad and my mom but they're both dead. I know they are; my mother was killed by my father, and I killed my father with my flames. Perhaps my mother or father hid this person away from me, but I have no way of knowing. "Would you like to explore your mind and figure this out together? I promise to be as gentle as I can. Besides, the only thing that may hurt you is the secrets we may unlock." I told her "But before I do I have to know where you acquired that scar because it's so similar to mine. My scars were acquired by experimentation that was done to me which gave me the abilities of Telepathy, Telekinesis, Organic Diamond, and Ice form, Fire wings generation, Pyrokinesis, Concussive blasts, Superhuman strength, agility, and durability, Intangibility, photo kinesis (by turning sound into light), sonic Scream, and power, memory, ability, and psyche absorption." I said as I pulled my sleeve up to show her my scars.


"I don't know. I guess I've always just had it. But if there's a way to unlock my memory then do it." I need answers. 

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