Chapter 11 Into the Deepest Depths of a Mind

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I could feel the memories being dug up from the back of my mind. The dark secrets of the past are being brought forward. I fell to my knees. I was getting the answers I was looking for. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. This was dark and brutal. I knew tears were sliding down my face. I didn't care though. More and more memories were coming through. I knew who my "parents" were. I knew what the spirits were leading me to. I know who the spirit who helped me was. I understood why everything happened. I remembered everything. I knew who Nate was and why he was so familiar to me. I knew why I needed to find him. He's my twin. A brother. My mind was spinning. I had my answers finally. I understood them. I have a twin. And my mother is dead. She led me here. She kept me alive so I could find Nate. She put me up for adoption so I would be safe from that monster. She hid mine and Nate's memories away so we could each be safe in a way. She knew we would find each other. It was destined to happen. I knew why. To save them from themselves. I understand I have powers. I know what they are and how to use them properly. I felt my mother's spirit in the room. I looked around until I saw her. She was watching me and Nate and smiling. You did it. We did. I looked at Nate. I could tell he was just as shocked as I was. It wasn't easy news. It was difficult. Everything had changed in a minute. Everything we ever knew changed. In a way it was peaceful. I had a real family. Family. That was a strange word to me. Just a couple of days ago my world fell apart when I found out I didn't have one. Now here I am finding out I have one. Right here. I almost died getting here. I almost died 4 times. Between the water, the bear trap, the men, and almost freezing to death it was a challenge. Now I need to save people? My ankle isn't in a great place right now and I'm an emotional wreck. I need a break. I looked back at Nate and smiled. Tears poured down my face and a sense of peace. Family. I found a family. This is my place in the world. It took me years to get here too. Strangely enough, as soon as I got my answers I had more questions. Ones that could only be answered by our mother. I looked over to the spot she had been but she was gone. I knew she was back in the spirit realm in her door. I could go talk to her if I needed. For right now I think I should just learn more about what happened in the past and about Nate. I did miss out on years with him. I want to understand what happened with our parents and him. Something bugged me. Why only me? I guess that's another question for my mother whenever I see her next. I want to understand more of that monster as well. What had happened and why mother had stayed. There were still things left unanswered but those questions would wait for another day. I tried to stop crying so I could talk to Nate and get down to the bottom of things. But I couldn't stop. I took some deep breaths and tried again. Nothing. I gave up and just let the tears fall. I could tell Nate was about to cry as well. We each had just found family. It's crazy what can happen in a short amount of time. A week ago I was living with the adopters. And now I'm sitting on the floor in my twin brother's cabin crying tears of joy and peacefulness. It all happened so fast. I can't believe it. I have something I never thought I would have. Family. A brother. My mind stopped racing until it was clear. The only thing left was thoughts of happiness over my newfound twin brother. I struggled to stand up with my ankle. I looked at Nate with tears in my eyes. I walked forward and hugged him. It all felt surreal. As we cried and hugged I felt relief wash over me. I could finally breathe.

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