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"Hey Carla..."
"Yeah?" She's says, still wiping tears from the end of the movie.
"I need to actually tell you something, but can we go to the bathroom where it's more private?"
"Ok, no problem."
Easy for now. First, let me just say something about Carla, she's had some, pretty bad experiences with love, and is really over prorective of me when I have a crush, because she doesn't want me to get hurt like she has. I totally respect that, but she's gonna flip out extreme style when I tell her this.
By the sinks, we're fixing our hair and make up to go to the diner after.
"Ok, so I think you're gonna be really mad at me when I tell you this..." I start.
"That's rediculous," she says, "I could never be mad at you.
"Just remember that after this." I mumble under my breath.
"Oh, nothing" I say realizing that she's waiting for me to say my news.
"Anyways, what I needed to tell you."
"I kinda sorta like someone."
"But there's more... I'm in love with this guy, and he loves me back."
"This is rediculous. How can you even trust him?" I can tell she's getting really upset. To distract herself she starts to fiddle with her eyeliner.
"I think that I can trust him; you know him personally. Extra personally."
"Kay, who the hell are you taking about!" She raises her voice which is never good.
"It's..." I think there's tears forming in my eyes.
"Get on with it!!!"
"It's Alex."

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