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I wake up to my parents shaking me awake.
"Come on Krista, come on wake up we need to go"
"What's going on?" I can barely see, but they're pushing me up out of bed. I manage to grab my glasses and phone and catch a glimpse at my alarm clock, witch glows in bright blue, the numbers 5:26. Once we are in the car, I feel it's safe to ask, "Where in the world could we be going at 5:30 in the morning on a Tuesday?"
"My mom, sitting in the passenger seat, turns around, and with panic in her eyes, says,"the hospital, Cole was rushed there late last night. his mom said that that they were leaving the movie theater when a car was speeding by and struck him."
"Oh my God" I say. Thoughts cannot form in my head. I just saw him yesterday, but I was mad at him. I have to text Carla and Alex.
I make a group conversation, hey guys I have some really bad news, I'm in the car rite now w/my parents we're on our way to the hospital... Cole got rushed there late last night
Almost instantly, Alex texts back, Carla and I are leaving now, meet u there
Am i the only one that wasn't up at 5:30am?
This waiting room seems all too familiar. Just a few months ago, I was sitting here, wondering if my best friend was dead. I'm in the same position, only this time with Cole instead of Carla. My parents leave me in here to go find Cole and his parents. I tell Alex and Carla where I am, and not even 5 minutes later, they come running up to me and pull me into a giant hug.
"Thank you" I whisper in between cries.
Carla pulls away and sits down in the chair next to me, but Alex still holds tight.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll never leave you." He whispers into my ear "I love you"
"I love you too" I respond back, but instead of in a whisper, I say it loud and proud.
My parents call me out of the waiting room and i tell them I'll be back.
My parents pull me into a hug. My breathing starts to speed up, "w-whats happening?" I say shakily.
They don't say anything just guide me into a room.
I stop in my tracks.
I back away. I can't take it. Tears burst from my eyes. I can't look. But I have to. I walk over to the bed, and hold his hand. I sit next to him and i stare at his eyelids. I place my head gently on his chest, and unlike the quick breaths that he usually has, they're slow. Too slow. Tears flow. Too many. My body shakes. Someone places their hand on my shoulder and i look up. It's a doctor. He has a look of sadness on his face. Before I allow him to talk, I look around. The machines are dull, lifeless. I look to Cole. This cant be happening. No.
"Miss, I hate to say this but," his eyes get a shiny layer of water on them, "Cole... is gone."
I'm still holding his hand. I held it as he passed from life to death. Why? Why did you leave me?

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