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I wake up in an unfamiliar place, with a pounding headache and searing pain in my leg and back. It's so bright in here. Where am I? The next thing I notice is someone - Alex - holding my hand. There's a doctor in the room and he says that he's already talked to my parents. I guess they said I was staying at Alex's house until they got back. For a milisecond, all the pain stopped and fear took over my body. A fear of someone who I once called my best friend. Carla.

"Hey" Alex says in the most soothing and soft voice.
I pull the oxygen mask off of my head and try to sit up, but falling back into the uncomfortable hospital bed in pain and weakness.
"Shh... take it easy." He says. "My parents are going to be here soon, the doc already called and explained everything to them."
"Am i the only one who doesn't know what happened?" I ask in a voice so soft that I could barely hear myself.
"Well," he starts, "I was waiting for you at the park, when all of a sudden, Emily comes running up to me yelling and screaming at me about who knows what. Two of her friends were there too, and when they saw you, everything stopped and they started to charge at you. I pulled one of them back and i tried to get to you but it was too late. You were on the ground, unconscious and i dialed 9-1-1 as fast as I could. Emily came up to me after I hung up and said something about how I never should have left her for a slut like you and I wouldn't stand for it so I tried to block it out. The rescue came and took you away and I rode here with you. And here we are."
"That's the back story," I say with breaks in between because of the pain searing through me, "but what's actually wrong with me?"
"Oh ya, that part. Well, you have a minor concussion, nothing to be too worried about the doc said. And you also have a big bruise on you back. As with you knee," he continued on like he was the doctor himself, "they had to do a quick operation to put it back in place because of the way you landed. Tore your ACL pretty bad too i guess."
All i could do was moan with pain. I fell back asleep, still holding his hand, and I woke up with a lesser headache in the back seat of the DiMino's van, Alex by my side.
I have crutches now, and this giant uncomfortable knee brace. I still won't stop trying to figure all this out. I see a bag of my stuff on the couch and hobble over to it and fish out my phone. Lots of texts from people hoping that I feel better, but I disregard most of them. I text my parents to let them know that I'm okay, and that there's no need for them to worry, that they should enjoy their time. After that's through, I get up and go outside, which is harder than I thought it would be. Alex comes running up to me from outside to help, which makes it a lot easier. I polity ask Mrs DiMino if she could drive me to Dunkin Donuts to meet up with some friends. She says sure and with that, we're there in five minutes.

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