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I ask Alex if Carla was okay and he says that she won't talk to him. I figured that maybe she just didn't want to bother us because of what happened at Dunkin.
Monday morning comes and Mrs.Dimino drives Carla and I school, while Alex took the bus to high school. Carla doesn't say a word the whole ride. We go our separate ways since I needed to go to the nurse first. By the time I get to homeroom, I have been asked what happened about 30 times. I tell them that I was running and stepped wrong. I can tell that not everyone believed that but no one said anything. At lunch, Carla's not there and everyone at our table is looking to me for an explanation. I tell them that I really don't know, when Jill comes up to our table.
"I saw Carla crying in the bathroom." She says "but she wouldn't talk to me"
"What happened?" Talia says. She doesn't know the whole story, but Jill was already explaining it to her. "Why would she be crying?" I say
"Well, I heard that people were calling her really mean things because of what she did." Says Lori.
"Oh my gosh. That's rediculous." I say.
Why would people do that to her, I think, she's the nicest person to everyone and this was only supposed to be a joke she had said. But, what are people telling her?

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