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Around 4:00pm I get a text from Alex...
Hey did you see this?
There was a link attached to a website. I click it and it brings me to a website called: That Jerk Carla
What? Who created this?
I scroll down and the whole Web page is filled with mean comments about Carla. My head is spinning with questions as to why someone would do this. I find myself reading more and i just can't.
That little slut.
Ew she's so ugly no wonder she can't keep a boyfriend.
She only has friends so she can stab them in the back, or in this case, physically hurt them.
This is an outrage! Why are all these people saying these things! Carla is the sweetest girl. Just because she did one little thing doesn't make her a terrible person. I'm not even mad at her anymore, she told me she was sorry and didn't want to take it that far. And i trust her.
I call her right away. No answer. Of course. I'll make sure to see her as soon as I get to school tomorrow.
Damn it. I just remembered that I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and I won't be at school until 10. I'll make sure she's the first one I talk to... if she's there.

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