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Omg thank you all so much for over 100 views. It really makes me happy to know that so many people are reading this and enjoying it. In honor of 100, I'm going to share a short "story". If you don't want to read it, that's ok just skip and I'll post part 9 tomorrow. This short "story" is actually about someone that was in my life so, yeah, I'm kinda nervous to share this but here it goes...
I answer the phone. It's April 17th, 2014 around 3-3:30 pm. I'm in the car with my cousins and my aunt, all is good. It's sunny out. The person on my phone is my mom, and I see her smiling face pop up on my screen. "Hello?" I say happily.
"Hi sweetie..."
"Hi momma, what's up?"
"Not much, how are you?"
"Kate... Steve just died."
No. No. This cant be happening. My world comes crashing down. I finish the call and a few tears streak down my face. Why? It can't be real. I tell my aunt. My cousin who's only about 4 turns to me and says, it's ok Kaitwin (how he says it is too cute) I have toys at home and we can play!
It doesn't really work to cheer me up, but I force a smile and wipe the tears, I don't want to be crying in a store.
Why did you leave?
Steve is my godfather. I miss him so much. I wish I got to see him more. That accident was treacherous last week. Why is this happening? I push it to the back of my mind. Put a smile on Kate, put the smile on. But I can't.
This was really hard to write and I'm crying right now, but I don't want any pity from anyone. This was a really bad short story cuz i was all over the place but I kinda just wanted to let my feelings out. Thanks for being accepting every one.

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