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Lori, Allie, Sky, and Jill are there already, and Alex and i are the last ones there. He told his mom that Sky's mom would give us a ride home. I sat down and there was already a cookie dough iced coffee siting on the table waiting for me. My brain cells scream COFFEEEEE when it finally hits me about how tired I was. I push that feeling aside and take another sip. Jill speaks up first,
"Ok so this may be a bad way to start, but I have some... news."
"Well, all of Emily's 'friends' weren't really her friends."
"What do you mean?" Lori says after a sip of her Chai tea.
"I mean that... well... Carla was one of those 'friends' that hurt Krista."
Anger flushes through me.
"Why would she do that! What's her problem?"
"I don't know, but that's rediculous." Says Allie
Ring ring
"It's Carla... should I take it?"
"Go ahead Jill, I wanna hear what she has to say." I respond in anger.

"Well," says Jilly "she told me everything."
"Like what..." Sky speaks up
"She admitted to doing it to you and she says she wants to come and apologize and that she wants to do it here rather than at her house where ur staying till Monday. So she's walking here now."
"Oh great" I say.
A few minutes later, the bells above the door jingle

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