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I walk back home with Carla, stopping at her front steps before letting her go in. I just look at her. After a while, when it becomes awkward, I give her a hug goodbye.
"Krista?" She pipes up. "Are you okay?"
I didn't realize that I had a tear coming down my face.
"Yeah I'm fine its just..." What's really the matter Krista? "It's just that I can't believe that I almost lost you. And now you're standing here in front of me." I pull her into a hug.
Was that really what's bothering me?
I mean, it's not a lie.
It's true.
I lay awake that night. Wondering. Wondering about everything that's been going on.
There's one thing that I had put to the side, but now it's time for it to come out.
Why did Cole kiss me?
He can't like me. At least not like that.
We've known each other forever. Always like brother and sister.
Nothing more.
But another thought pops into my head.
Why didn't I pull away?
His lips were soft, and i could smell the freshness of his spearmint gum with every shaky breath he took.
But I love Alex.
I wake up the next morning and i decide to go for a walk to Alex's house. I knock on the door. He answers with a big, warm smile.
"Good morning Kris, what a lovely surprise." How cheesy. But I love it.
"Good morning fine sir." I say, holding back giggles.
"Want to come inside, have some breakfast?" He politely asks.
"Umm... actually I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk to the park with me. I want to talk about stuff."
"Ok, let me just grab my phone."
Should I tell him? Or should I just let it go?

We get to the park and we walk way down to the water, near the beach. I sit down on the sand and Alex pops down next to me. It's a beautiful morning. The breeze takes away the pirceing heat of the sun.
"Alex?" I ask I an unsteady voice.
"Yes my lovely lady?" Ugh he's making this so hard for me.
"So you know how we promised to always be honest to eachother?" I start.
"Uh, no?"
"Well, pretend we did. So I want to be completely honest with you right now....
Me and cole kissed."

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