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9 new messages
They're all from Cole. He's like my brother, I've known him since we were little kids. His mom was my mom's maid of honor at her wedding and vice versa. I haven't seen him in a while, since his dad got a new job and they moved away. I decide to read them, since I'm the last one up, with Carla and Alex both sleeping on the couch. I rest my head on Alex's lap and open messages.
Hey Krista
You'll never guess what I have to tell you
I'm back!
My dad quit his job so we moved back
Same house too
I went over, but you weren't there. I figured I'd just see u in school but u weren't there today
I wanted to make sure u were ok
He's back! This is the greatest news I've heard all week.
Instead of texting him, I give him a call. I'm unaware of how late it is, until the 3rd ring, when he picks up.
I tell him everything, and he does the same. We pick up like he never left. There wasn't that awkward barrier between us. Gosh I missed him. It was like a family reunion with my long lost brother. I couldn't wait until Sunday night when i could see him.

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