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We walk back, the easy way, and Alex and Carla's house us first. I give Carla a reassuring hug and i give Alex a big bear hug and he gives my messy bun a kiss. I try to go back to sleep for a little while, but it's no use. I make myself a coffee in our keurig, then I grab a yogurt and sit at the kitchen table by myself. Later today is Cole's baseball game that I said I would go to. I text Carla to see if she wants to come, so maybe we can get our minds off things.
She texts back instantly, yeah I would love to
Okay, that's good. I won't be all alone, and people won't think he's my boyfriend.

At 12:00, I ring Carla's doorbell, and she opens the door with a warm smile. I notice she has a little more makeup on then usual. Weird.
We walk to the park and on the way the way we stop at dunkin and get iced coffees. It's a good day. Life is good. The sun's shining. It's good.
The baseball game went by pretty fast, Cole's team won by double the other team. I go to the dug out and congratulate him and the guys. Carla gives him a hug. Wait what? They barley know eachother. I need to have a talk with him later...

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