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"Happy Birthday!"
He's sitting on my bed with the dorkiest smile on his face. When I open the door I get flooded by a rainbow of balloons. On my dresser I notice a Victora's Secret bag, a PINK by Victoria's secret bag, a huge Bath and Body Works bag and a stack of gift cards. I run to him and start to burst out crying in tears of joy. He pulls out a dozen roses and hands them to me. He's the best guy I could ever ask for.
"Oh my goodness" I manage to blubber out. "Why did you do this?"
"Well," he starts, "I want the best for my baby girl" he pecks a kiss on my forehead "Now don't just sit here, open your gifts!"
I grab the bags from my dresser and sit on the bed next to him with my head on his shoulder. Before I start, I ask him, "how did you afford all this?"
"Well, all last summer since the first time I saw you hanging out with Carla, I knew you were the one. I got off my ass and decided to get a job at dunkin. Every pay check I put $10 away into a safe in my room. Once school started again, I only worked there on the weekends so i got less money, and decided to get a small job mowing lawns and shoving snow after school. And put aside another $10 per client. Once we started going out, I learned your birthday and what you liked. So last night, I went to the mall and bought all this for you with the money I had been saving. When I texted you to go to the park, I have already set it up with your parents what I was going to do. They let me in and i set this up. What do you think?"
"I think... that you are the most amazing person ever."

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