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I open up laptop and go online.
First, I just search her name.
Talia Sandra
More results than I expected popped up. There were instagram proflies, Facebook accounts, you got it all. I wasn't looking for the basic things. I was looking for a website creator account. 4 pages into google, I realize that she wouldn't make the profile under her own name. She would use her fake name that she insisted everyone call her in elementary school. Violet Lee
Google brings me a bundle of answers, but I still can't find it.
What else do I know that could be helpful?
Ah ha! The light bulb goes off.
She used 'HeyNow.org' to make the website. It's a free website, so it would be easy access for her to use it.
Google search: Violet Lee HeyNow
And what do you know? First result is a profile for HeyNow.org for Violet Lee. I click it, and the info matches up perfectly with Talia's. Same birthday. Same bio as her instagram: 12.24.15 best day ever. Love you babee
Ugh her and her idiot boyfriend. This has to be her. But who do I tell first?

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