Living Purdy- Everywhere I Go I Drag This Coffin Just In Case

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Two weeks after Christmas it was time for me to go into the hospital and get my surgery. The night before I got no sleep at all! And it sucks because I can't eat any breakfast or drink anything! So right now I'm sitting in the kitchen watching Cayden chow down a bowl of fruit loops! Agggh! Its agony!

"Cayden! You're torturing me!" I groaned holding my stomach. He immediately stopped eating and threw his spoon into the bowl.

"I'm sorry, babe. I know you're hungry, but hey after your surgery I'll get you some Del Taco" he smiled kissing my head.

"Agggh! Del Tacooo!" I cried resting my head on the table. Stupid doctors and their rules about not eating before surgery! Brooke and my dad walked down the steps carrying two slumbering twins in their arms and walked out the door, getting them situated. I feel really bad for dragging them out of their beds, just for me! I looked down at my hands and began picking the skin off my fingers, its a really bad habit I have when I'm nervous.

"Autumn? You got your bag ready?" my dad asked peeking his head in the door. I lifted the bag from the floor, showing him it. "Come on, let's get going." I got up from the table and dragged my legs out the door and got in the car. Cayden strapped Audrey in next to AJ and hopped in, taking a seat next to me.

I looked up at Cayden and lightly smiled at him. Cayden returned the favor and held my hand, kissing it. "You're going to do just fine." Cayden whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I rested my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes Cayden was tapping my shoulder, saying "Autumn, wake up."

We got out of the car as valet parked our car and walked into the hospital's main entrance. Cayden and I walked up to the front desk and signed my name on the brown little clipboard. I sat down in between Cayden and my dad and started picking my skin again.

"Autumn, quit doing that. You're going to fine" my dad said grabbing my hand. I sighed and looked at him, smiling. I hope he's right. Hope he's right!

"Autumn Purdy? We're ready for you" a female nurse said as I got up, following her, going through a heavy wood door. No turning back now. She walked me to my bed where I'll be after recovery and told me to change into a gown. I closed the curtain and began stripping myself from my clothes. Once I was done, I placed my clothes in a hospital bag and laid on the bed, covering myself up. "Autumn? You're family is here."

She pulled back the curtain and I saw everybody standing there! My family and the guys with their girlfriends were standing there smiling at me. I sat up a little and opened my arms for welcoming hugs. "What are all you guys doing here?!" I asked

"We wanna be here for you. You're not alone" Andy smiled hugging me. It went by so quick, soon as everyone was here, my anesthesiologist came over to wheel me to pre op. Thankfully, they were all allowed to walk down the hallways with me. I was shaking as we started coming closer to the surgery area of the floor. I've never had any major surgery on my body before.

"Alright, we are here. Time to get ready." my anesthesiologist said. My parents walked over to my bed side and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek. Cayden walked over with Audrey, kissing me and let me place a kiss on our daughter's cheek. My dad stepped over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Remember Autumn, no fear" he smiled

"No fear, Dad" I said and was rolled away from my family. I started to cry as we made our way through the doors and saw all the surgeons and nurses walking around. I am beyond scared straight right now.. My doctor made his way in after the nurses got my IVs in and started drawing the incisions on my stomach. I feel like a damn sketchpad.

I was wheeled out of pre op and came into the operating room. Just hearing the sounds of those beeping machines and looking at the tools on the table, I was getting ready to bolt out of this place! But unfortunately I was given a sedative to calm me down. Wasn't working well.

I was hoisted from the bed and placed on the operating table where my arm was locked in a tourniquet. Agh, it hurt like a bitch! That was where my damn IV was! The nurse placed my oxygen over my face and the other nurse began injecting me with the sleepy medicine. My eyelids were starting to droop and become heavy. After that all I could see was blackness and hear the voices of the surgical team.

"And we're ready to begin." That was the last thing I heard.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now