Living Purdy- Temptations

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Ashley's POV

I felt so bad for yelling at Brooke and I never yell at her. The trophy for 'Worlds Worst Husband' goes to me! I can't deal with this right now I need to go out. I walked around to the driveway and got in the car. I need a drink!

For almost two hours I drove up and down the street with several bars on it. The thought was driving me crazy, I don't want to drink and screw up. I can't! Ugh, you know what? What's one going to do?

I parked the car getting out and walked inside a bar smelling that old aroma. Cigarettes and alcohol. I walked over to the bar and sat on a stool.

"What'll it be, buddy?" the bartender asked

"Give me a shot of your finest whiskey" I said. He put a shot glass on the counter and opened the bottle pouring it. I put some money on the counter top and downed the shot. Oh! That felt good!

The bartender placed another shot glass by me, but this one was full with vodka. What's this?

"A girl at the end sent this for you" I looked at the glass and picked it up drinking it. Girl has good taste in vodka.

"You give this to her" I smirked writing a stupid pick up line on a napkin and handed it to the guy. Did I really just do that?!

"I'm not from Tennessee, but you are a ten in my book." I turned around and saw an attractive brunette standing there smiling at me. Long legs in a short skirt. I'm dead.

"Haha, thanks for the shot" I laughed "sit down." She pulled the stool out and smiled at me.

"You looked like you needed it and you wanted some company, otherwise you wouldn't of sent that note. Name's Hanna."

"Yeah, haha. So how about some drinks? By the way, I'm Ashley." I placed my money on the counter.

"Sure." We got our shots and quickly downed them asking for another round and another. After five rounds of vodka and three shots of whiskey, Hanna dragged me to the dancefloor. She wrapped her arms around my neck and moved her body against mine. I instantly grabbed her hips and pulled her closer.

"Let's get out of here" she whispered in my ear. I looked at her, taking her hand and ran out to the car driving home.

Autumn's POV

"Autumn, are you sure you haven't heard from your dad?" Brooke asked

"I just tried calling his phone. No answer, goes to voice mail" I said getting worried. My dad has been gone for almost six hours! He would've told us where he went.

"Heyy! Look it's my lovely family!" I walked in the living room and there stood my dad. Drunk and with some girl?!

"Ashley! I've been worried sick about you! W-Who is this?!" Brooke looked over at the other girl

"Ohh! Thiss isss Hanna! She's from..uhh..we need a room! Move!" My dad pushed Brooke to the side and walked around. You've got to be kidding me?!

"Dad, you're drunk!" I walked over and grabbed his arm "stop it!" I cried

"Get offf!" My dad pushed me away and staggered to the stairs with this girl.

"That's it! I had it! Ashley!?" Brooke yelled. My dad turned around and stared at us. "Get upstairs! Now!" Brooke walked over and grabbed his shirt collar.

"Excuse mee!" The random brunette walked over and grabbed Brooke's arm "he's..mine!" she slurred.

"No, bitch. He's my husband! So excuse me!" Brooke took one swift punch and knocked the girl to the floor. "Autumn, pick her up and put her ass to the curb. I'll be upstairs with him!" Brooke dragged my dad upstairs and slammed their bedroom door.

I looked over at this random girl laying on the floor. What to do with her? Then I had a brilliant idea!

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now