Living Purdy- Your Daughter's

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Ashley's POV

Well I was happy to hear that there was nothing serious with Autumn. Just some acid reflux, that'll be taken care with medicine. So that's one good thing on my mind.

I walked over to the twins' room and saw that they had tired themselves out and finally fell asleep for their nap. Where they get their bursts of energy, not from me! Probably from Brooke's side, she's usually hyper before bed. Speaking of her, I must find her.

There she was folding laundry on our bed humming a tune she only knew. Brooke's back was facing me so she didn't know I walked in. Perfect. I walked behind her and grabbed her sides, making her squeal.

"Ashley Purdy! You ass!" she yelled whipping me with a towel

"Oww! Hahaha, oh come on it was funny. Your squeals are so priceless, babe!" I laughed sitting down.

Brooke gave me that wife look that says 'You're getting it later.' Yep! I'm in the dog house tonight. Quick! Something to change her mind, so I won't get lectured by my wife. Aha! I spotted a lacy black thong and twirled it around my finger smirking.

"I'm sorry I scared you, Brooke" I kissed her cheek

"Mmhm" she folded towels not looking at me.

"If you wear this tonight and give me a little show. I promise to never sneak up on you again." I dangled the underwear in front of her eyes.


"Yes, my love?"

"I forgive you" she smiled kissing my cheek

"'ll wear this sexy thing?" I smirked

"That's not mine!" she started laughing

"Then who?!"

"Hahaha! That's your daughter's!"

"Agh!" I yelled and flung it at Brooke. Oh my god! I feel so weird and..and eww! Who in the hell introduced Autumn to lingerie?! Oh, yeah! I did! Nice one! I must remember to mentally slap myself later.

"Haha, Autumn? Could you come here please?" Brooke called. Two seconds later Autumn walked in leaning on our door frame.

"Yeah, mom?" she asked

"I folded some of your clothes, hun" she said handing Autumn her clothes

"Thank you. Uh, what's up with dad? He looks like he saw a ghost?"

"No, but I did see your lacy thong!"

Autumn's mouth flew open and she dropped her clothes.

"You what?! Dad! You went through my underwear?!?"

"I didn't know! I thought it was your mother's!" I know this had to be embarrassing for Autumn and me too. But as for Brooke, she was in hysterics.

"What are you two yelling about?" Cayden asked walking in

"I just got panty raided by my dad!!" Autumn yelled gripping his shoulders

"It was an accident!" I groaned laying backwards on the bed. Cayden and Brooke thought this was the funniest thing they heard.

"Oh that's too funny! Dad, finds daughter's thong assuming its his wife's! Classic!" he laughed.

"Ugh, Cayden you twat!" Autumn bent down and picked up her clothes. She stormed off to her room hoping she didn't slam the door, too late. Once it echoed from her wall the twins were awake.

"I'll go get them. It's probably Chasity. Since Ashley Jr. can sleep through anything like his dad" Brooke got up walking to their room.

"Haha, Ash, don't worry. You'll get over it, I went through the same crap at my house in Kansas. I used to find my older sister's stuff, trust me it was worse than a thong." We both shuddered at the thought. If it was the same thought. "well I better make sure Autumn isn't going ape crazy."

Before Cayden left he walked over and grabbed Autumn's..erm..underwear and slipped out the door. I did however catch him slip them in his back pocket. No doubt he's gonna keep them. I think I taught Cayden well.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now