Living Purdy- No Rest For The Weary

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Autumn's POV

The whole entire drive from my first treatment all Cayden kept doing was poking me to make sure I was still awake. With his constant nagging how could I get any rest at all in this car? My first treatment was brutal, it wore me out. All I want to do is sleep and I feel like I'm going to vomit any minute!

"Cayden! Stop poking me!! I'm awake!" I screamed almost pulling my hair out of frustration

"I'm sorry.." Cayden

"Cayden, I didn't mean to scream at you. I'm just tired and all I would like to do is close my eyes and rest."

"But what if you don't wake up..." Oh! Why did he have to go and say that? Why?? I hate the thoughts of death, it scares me so. Even though I stared it in the face a few times, I hate that thought.

"I will be fine. Just please, can I close my eyes for a while? We'll be home in a few."

"Alright." I smiled at Cayden and slowly closed my eyes, resting my head against the seat. This is what I truly needed and Cayden wouldn't let me have it for just a few seconds. Peaceful. Not ten seconds later I heard the car shut off and Cayden walk out. He came over to my side, opening the door and picked me up, going into the house. To be honest I was too weak to get up.

"Oh my god! What happened!?" I heard my dad yell

"Sh, she's tired and wants to sleep. I'm going to take her upstairs. She's fine, Ash." Cayden said as he carried me to my room. He set me down on the bed, covering me up and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"Stay? Please?" Cayden smiled down at me and laid next me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes, snuggling Cayden. I think this is my Heaven.

Ashley's POV

It's been over an hour since Autumn went upstairs to sleep. I need to go up there and check on her. I got up from the couch and made my way over to the stairs.

"Ashley, leave her alone. Cayden is up there with her. Let them be." Brooke said catching me

"I just want to look at her!" I pleaded

"When they come downstairs for dinner, you can look at her all you want. But for now, just let Autumn be alone." Brooke said walking into the kitchen. Right now I felt like throwing a tantrum just like when the twins don't get their way.

"But, Brooke! I-"

"No! Ashley! She's probably still sleeping. Let her be, ok?"

"Ugggh, finnee!" I sat back down on the couch and folded my arms over my chest. Autumn is my child, not Brooke's.

Autumn's POV

I woke up to hear the sound of pots and pans clinking downstairs and the bickering voice of my father, who was arguing with Brooke. Oh, please shut him up. I turned my head over and saw Cayden was still wrapped around me asleep. He is so cute when he's asleep. I smiled at him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. Cayden opened his eyes smiling at me and pulled me closer to him.

"You have a nice sleep?" he asked

"Yeah, but too bad I couldn't say the same thing for the wake up call" I hinted to the noise downstairs

"Well, come on. Your mom probably has dinner ready. I'm starving, let's eat!" Cayden sat up and walked over helping me stand up and walk towards the door. As soon as the door was open I could start to smell the aroma of chicken and garlic being cooked. It used to be one of my favorites. Now it turns my stomach.

I gripped to the stair banister as tightly as I could, but I guess I just wore my strength out and BOOM! I toppled down each step, hitting my shoulder off the wall. My dad quickly ran over to me helping me up from the floor and sat me down in the kitchen.

"Cayden! What is wrong with you?! Were you not paying attention to her!?" my dad yelled checking out my shoulder. Cayden just looked at the floor, like a puppy when it's being yelled at. It wasn't Cayden's fault.

"Dad" I said quietly

"Did you not even care how weak she is! She-"

"DAD!!?" I screamed. He stopped for a second looking at me and gave me a questioning look. "Dad, it wasn't his fault. Cayden was right behind me. I just slipped and fell, no big deal. Now let's eat. I'm hungry." I smiled grabbing a plate and placed a small amount of food on it. Hopefully, I can eat this.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now