Living Purdy- Wake Up, Wake Up My Darling

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Ashley's POV

We got to the emergency room and bolted through the doors searching for Autumn. I walked around and saw her standing in front of the coffee machine.

"Autumn?" I asked. She turned around and her pretty little face was tear stained with eyeliner.

"Dad" she said before wrapping her arms around me crying again

"Shh, its ok. The doctors are going to help him. I promise you it'll be okay." I rocked her slowly and guided her to where Brooke was sitting. "I'm going to see if there's any information on Cayden."

I walked over to the desk and waited for eternity for this receptionist to acknowledge me. Finally, she turned around and looked at me.

"Can I help you, sir?" she asked bitterly

"A young man was brought in here. The name is Cayden Leverett." I said while she typed into the computer.

"Ah, yes. He's here, but at the moment nobody can see him. He's too serious. I'm sorry, sir."

"But we're his family?! His fiancee needs to see him!"

"I'm sorry, sir. But until you hear from the doctors I can't do anything. I apologize." I huffed in anger and walked back to my seat steaming.

"Did they say how he is?" Brooke asked resting her hand on mine.

"All she said is that Cayden is too serious for any visitors. Until then we wait for the doctor."

"This is bullshit! I wanna see Cayden!" Autumn handed Audrey to Brooke and stomped over to the desk.

"His name is Cayden Leverett! He was stabbed in the chest! I wanna see him! Now!" Autumn yelled.

"Miss, he cannot have any visitors at the moment. When his doctor tells you, you have the right then you can go back. Right now, you're going to have to take a seat, please." the receptionist told her.

"No! I'm not going to listen to your old ass! If I want to see my fiance I'll do it!" Autumn walked towards the doors when she was stopped by a tall security guard. Time for dad to step in.

"Okay! Let's go sit back down, Autumn! Before you get arrested!" I yanked her arm and sat her in a chair. "You need to settle your nerves down so we all don't get kicked out!"

"Settle down?! I can't settle down when my fiance is back there possibly dying!! If this was Brooke, the twins or me you'd be doing the same thing! Flipping out!" Autumn sighed getting up with Audrey and walked down the hallway.

Autumn's POV

I walked away from my dad and Brooke. I was tired of hearing him tell me to calm down, do this, do that! Like I told him if it wasn't Cayden back there and one of us he'd be having a stroke!

I set Audrey in the play area of the emergency room and sat on the floor with her. She crawled around playing around with the toys and kept herself busy. I'm just thankful Audrey's too young to understand any of this situation.

I spotted a barbie doll on the floor and picked it up studying the doll's features. Barbie. With her bleach blonde hair, sunless tan and that damn wretched smile. How the hell can this damn doll have such a better life than me?! Perfect boyfriend, perfect life, perfect everything!

I glared at the doll and threw her across the room not caring where she landed. I hate Barbie! You hear that?! I hate you Barbie! I looked up and saw a few people staring at me. Like I care.

"Are you here for a Cayden Leverett?" I looked over and saw a nurse standing there.

"Yes! Can I go see him!?" I asked picking up Audrey

"Yes, but you'll have to have someone watch your daughter" she said

"That's her father! Can she just see him for a second? Please?" This hospital cannot give me anymore grief than I have.

"Okay, but make it quick." She led us to the back and opened the curtain to Cayden's room. The sheets on his bed were soaked in blood and he had a breathing tube down his throat. I couldn't look at him.

I sat down next to his bed with Audrey in my lap. I kept a firm grip on her to keep myself from grabbing Cayden. The tears just poured from my eyes like a garden hose. Every time I glanced at Cayden more poured out.

"Dada!" Audrey squealed stretching her tiny arms out to touch Cayden.

"Daddy's sleeping, shh" I whispered. I slid my chair closer to Cayden's bedside and held his hand. "Please wake up, Cayden. I didn't mean for this to happen. My stupid actions probably cost you your life. And its all my fault." I cried kissing his hand.

I sighed getting up and walked over opening his curtain. I just had some small hope that Cayden would've woke up. Especially when Audrey cried out "Dada" to him, but I guess that only works in soap operas. It sounded like gagging and choking before I left the room.

I turned around and saw Cayden gasping for air and choking on that tube. Oh my god! Maybe he did hear us talking?! I ran out to the nurse's station and got their attention.

"He's awake! He's breathing!" I yelled to them. About four nurses and doctors pushed me aside and ran to Cayden. I walked a fast pace out to the waiting room and got my dad.

Ashley's POV

"Dad!? Dad! Cayden woke up! I think he heard Audrey talk to him!" Autumn ran up to us rambling. But I thought he was in serious condition?! This is wonderful!

"Are you the family for Cayden Leverett?" an older male doctor asked walking to us.

"Yes!" Brooke said standing up next to me.

"It seems that Cayden has slipped into a coma and not breathing on his own. We put him on a stronger breathing machine and-"

"He can't! He-he was just gasping for air!" Autumn put Audrey in my arms and ran back to Cayden. I knew this wasn't going in a good direction, so I gave Brooke Audrey and ran after Autumn.

"Autumn, get back here!" I called running down the hall. Autumn was kneeling on the side of Cayden's bed holding his hand crying.

"C-Cayden, please! Please, open your eyes for me! Baby, talk to me!!" I walked over and lightly lifted Autumn hugging her. "D-Dad! I don't..wa-wanna leave him!"

"Autumn, we have to. They just called security because you bolted back here like that. Come on."

"Noo! I love him and I'm not leaving his side!" Autumn pulled down Cayden's safety rail and laid next to him. I give up! I honestly give up.

"Alright, well don't cry to me when you're in jail!" I stormed out the room and returned to my wife.

"Where's Autumn?! Ashley, she can't be in there! They'll-"

"I give up, Brooke! If she wants to act like this then let her see what'll be the outcome. Come on, we need to get these babies home." We walked out to the car and set three sleeping children in their carseats. I'm hoping this night don't get any worse.

Autumn's POV

Glad to say I wasn't kicked out of Cayden's room. So hah! To my dad. I know he left and took my daughter with him. Its getting late and Audrey needs to get some sleep. My poor baby is probably wondering where her mommy and daddy are, but this situation is no place for Audrey.

As for now I just want to focus on Cayden. At this very moment it feels like time is frozen and its just us two. Like we're at home, I'm watching him sleep and at any moment he'll wake up and smile at me. I rested my head gently on Cayden's chest and looked at him.

"I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whispered kissing his cheek.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now