Chapter 29

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When I finally woke up from a deep slumber, I almost thought of him.

When I took a shower, I thought of him.

When I brushed my hair, I thought of him.

When I brushed my teeth, I thought of him.

He was practically stuck on my mind, like a leech to human skin.

I just wish that he wasn't so insensitive and rude. That man really has an attitude problem when it comes to other people that aren't his own friends.

It was actually really sad, I just wanted for him to treat me like a human being, was that too much to ask for?

I leaned my body against the wall as I was waiting for Jennie to get out of the bathroom. I had been waiting for her about 10 minutes now and I was getting slightly impatient.

"Jennie, I'm going down to the kitchen, is that okay with you?"
"Okay!" She yelled out from the shower.

So I went to the kitchen, having completely forgotten about Jungkook and the incident that occurred last night.

I was pouring myself a cup of black tea when someone entered the room.
"Oh finally you're down, I made you some tea, Jennie-" I stopped in my tracks when I finally noticed it wasn't Jennie in front of me.

"Oh Jungkook! I didn't even see you there."

"Listen Y/N, I wanted to apologize for the prank I played on you. It wasn't funny at all, it was humiliating for you to experience, and realize that now.
So I wanted to apologize for it. I'm so fucking sorry for everything I put you through. It was mean and cynical for me to do-"

"It's okay, Jungkook. I get it, you made a mistake but you apologized for it and that's what matters to me." So I gently patted his broad shoulder.

"Thank you for forgiving me." He smiled apologetically at me, which most definitely made my knees go weak.

You should kiss him.

What?! Brain no!

I almost instantly pulled myself away from my crush.
"Anyways, to make it up to you, do want to play video games in my bedroom?
No pranks this time." He asked softly.

"But what about Jennie?"

"We'll just invite her along too."

"I honestly don't get it, why do you want to hang out with me?" I looked down at the ground.

I don't get it, what does he see in me?
I'm not excactly pretty nor am I charismatic, intelligent or memorable of that matter.

"Honestly, I feel bad for you treating you poorly."

Well that makes sense.

"So in other words, you pity me?"

"No, no, no, I don't pity you. No, not at all. I just wanted to make it up to you."
He waved his hands.

"Sure, but what about Jennie?"

"We can invite her to play along with us too."


"I really don't understand why we're doing this." She whined as we walked down the stairs.

"Because he invited us personally."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just whatever you do, do not sleep with him. I'd appreciate that."

"Don't worry, I won't." I chuckled lightly.
We finally reached the door and knocked a few times.

"Come in!"

We carefully opened up the door, to see Jungkook laying on his bed, playing video games.

"Hey girls, why don't you come over and sit?" Jennie looked desperately at me before walking over to her brother.
I just followed along Jennie and sat down next to him.

"What do you girls want to do?"

"Just play whatever you were playing before we got here." I smiled, looking down at the bed.

"Alright, Mario Kart it is!" He chimed.


"Awh man, why do I keep losing?"
Jennie threw her controller on the bed.
"Maybe because you suck?" Jungkook snorted.

"Fuck off," She rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I have to use the bathroom. Don't do anything while I'm gone." She looked seriously at us.

Her own brother just smirked at her words, "Don't worry about it, we won't do anything." He waved his hand.

And just like that, she walked over to the bathroom and entered it, but we didn't really do anything, just continued to play.

That was, of course, until Jungkook accidentally put his hand on my thigh, not that he seemed to notice it anyway.
"Uhmmm." I slowly started to trail off, but ultimately decided not to say anything.

I hated to say it, but it actually felt pretty nice. His big hand was already warm from holding his controller for so long.

But it made me wonder what his hands on my other body parts would feel like.
Not sexually, of course, just in a comforting and platonic way.
The same way a friend would hold another friend.

Just imagining his body hugging mine made me feel all warm on the inside-

Who was I kidding?

I was in too deep to let go now.

I really, really, really, really liked Jungkook, I really did.

I didn't want to mess it up because I messed up my past relationship.

I really to wanted for Jungkook to at least not hate me or pity me.

I just wanted for him to like me and treat me like an actual person.

But Jungkook just wasn't that type of guy, he was the type of guy that fucked every single living woman without having any strings attached.
The type of guy to only care about himself, too self-centered to see longer than his other head.

It's super sad because all I ever wanted was for him to give me a chance.
I'd do anything for a chance... anything.
Well not anything but most, of course.

The only thing I actually wanted to happen was for Jungkook to at least see me or least not pity me as much as he originally did.

Wait.... I think I have an idea...

But I still don't know if it's going to be a success, guess I'll just have to try.

(Author's note: As I'm sure we have all heard of the terrifying situation that's happening in Ukraine. It's absolutely scary and I can't tell you what's going to happen, all I can ask of you is that you keep Ukraine in your thoughts and donate if you can and want to.

You can donate to ARMY SOS, United Help Ukraine, Revived Soldiers Ukraine and many more.

Another thing is, please don't make jokes of the situation. This war has and is going to kill innocent people, soldiers etc and making fun of that is really disheartening, so please do not make jokes about the situation.

Thank you for reading.)

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें