Chapter 34

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*A couple days later.*

"I was thinking, maybe you guys would want to come over and hang out at my house?"

"Not today unfortunately, Soyeon and I have to finish an assignment. It needs to be ready for tomorrow afternoon." Nina closed her eyes and whined.

"I would love to come over though." I looked over at Jennie before opening the brown oak door and walking out of the building.

I looked over the parking lot and almost immediately spotted Jungkook leaning against some black car that looked extremely expensive and fancy.

I could practically feel my knees go weak at his handsomeness, even from afar.

As always, he sporting an e-boy like fashion style. With a white shirt tucked into his black jeans and a short-sleeved black sweater covering the shirt, he truly did look like an e-boy.

"Great, then you're going with me." She smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Jungkook's car.

"Sup, girls." He nodded, barely even acknowledging us but it still managed to make me weak to my knees.

The power this man has on me and he doesn't even realize it.

I then entered the lavish car along with Jennie, and the tall male started to drive.
"I'm having some hot lady I met on Tinder over tonight, so be quiet." He glared at us through the rearview mirror and Jennie naturally rolled her eyes.

I looked down at the ground and honestly felt the tears dwelling up in my eyes.

I felt so stupid.

'He's never going to like you back. You're not attractive, talented, funny nor memorable at that. Besides he has way prettier one night stands with other women. You're so forgettable anyway.


"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" He glared at his two best friends, stealing snacks from the cabinet.

"Uuuuhmmm, is Nina here?" Jimin said awkwardly, his hands clenching to the multiple bag of chips in his arms.

"No..." To say Jungkook was visibly confused was an understatement.

Then it hit me. Jungkook didn't know that Jimin had a crush on Nina.

"Oh... w-we're because we wanted to hang out with you." He was quick to change the subject.

"But I have a girl coming over in a couple of hours."
Taehyung rolled his eyes before talking, "Course you are, but we can still hang out before she comes over."

Now it was Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes, "Okay then." With that, he walked out of the kitchen and I assumed into his bedroom. Soon after, Taehyung and Jimin followed right after him.

As he was walking out, Taehyung winked at me, making my eyes widen but not that Jennie seemed to notice.


Jungkook's Pov.

"So... Jungkook, what's the name of this mystery girl you're having over?" The shortest male smirks, fixating his eyes away from the game and over to Jungkook.

"I'd tell you but I forgot honestly, not that I fucking care. I just thought she was hot and I hit her up." He shrugged, eyes only focused on the game, intensely pressing the buttons on the controller.

The three boys were playing some random fighting game on Jungkook's Playstation. It seemed that the youngest was winning their match.

"Uuhhh, romantic." The third male said sarcastically.
"Shut the fuck up, Tae." He threw a chip after him.

Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh but stopped after a while.
"On a more important note, what's the deal with that Y/N girl?"

"Don't know, don't care."

Having known each other for years, Taehyung and Jimin gave each other a serious look. Something was off about him...

He had started to be so nice and now that side of him was gone and he'd turned back to the same cold Jungkook they knew from before.

By now, both men had sensed that something was wrong, something was very wrong.

"Uhm Jungkook, have you been taking drugs recently?" Jimin softly asked, seemingly out of the blue.

"The fuck are you asking for?" He took his eyes off the screen and glared at the oldest man.

"Oh- it's nothing." Taehyung laughed awkwardly, waving his hands.
"No, the fuck it's not. What the fuck are you asking for?" His tattooed hands clenched around the controller, if he clenched any harder, he'd probably break it.

"It's just... You've changed into your cold self again. You had become so nice and now suddenly you're..." Taehyung was hesitant to continue but the younger male wasn't having any of it.

"I'm what?" He threw the controller on the ground and stood up, before grabbing Tae by the neck.

"You've changed back to your old self!" He finally let the words get out of his throat. 

Jungkook was silent, pondering over his best friends words. "Get out."

By then, Jimin and Taehyung were sure of it. They'd hit the right spot. This was about his addiction, it had been worsening. 

"We just want to help-" Jimin was quickly interrupted by Jungkook.
"Does it look like I fucking care?" He glared, his eyes almost red like Satan himself.

Jimin could feel his body getting smaller before tearing up. Taehyung, not wanting the situation to escalate any further, grabbed Jimins hand and pulled him out of the room.

"We're leaving." Taehyung slammed the door shut.

"Good! I don't want you here anyway!"
He yelled angrily, hoping they'd hear him.


"Wow, your nails are perfect now," Jennie's eyes shimmered with pride as she admired her work.

"This shade of blue really compliments your skintone." She smiled as I examined my new nails.

Growing up, I had never really liked my hands. Some people had apparently felt the need to comment on my looks, especially my ex-

No, don't go there...

I guess, that just stuck with me like a leech on skin but this wasn't so bad.
"I could get used to this." I smiled half-heartedly.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my new nails, it was just...

Even the thought of my former partner was enough to ruin my day.

Goddammit Y/N, you just had to ruin the mood.

"I know, Right? I'd love to do your nails every month." She sqealed excitedly, instantly pulling me out of my trance.

Suddenly a loud thud resonated throughout the room. "What was that?" I asked myself.

"No idea." Jennie chewed on her inner cheek before.

That was strange...

Jeon Jungkook is a loser - JJK ffWhere stories live. Discover now