Chapter 31

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" if this is a party i'm leaving" muttered Meredith squezing her eyes shut, Derek grabbed Meredith's hand feeling Meredith's nails pinch into his hand. "How far am i?" asked Meredith softly inbetween contractions, Addison put on some gloves and felt "I'd say your about 8 centimeters dialated, almost ready to push" smiled Addison. "I'll be back in 30 minutes hopefully you're ready then", added Addison pulling of her gloves and leaving the room.

"Wh-where is Emma?" groaned Meredith in pain, "Emma is with Lexie.." smiled Derek squeezing Meredith's hand. "It hurts Derek" whimpered Meredith clenching her nails into The palm of Derek's hand. "I don't know how it feels to be in labor but i'm sure it hurts" muttered Derek trying to calm Meredith down a nodge. "I need to push", "No baby, wait for Addison" whispered Derek soothing. At that exact moment Addison walks in again "How are you feeling Meredith?" asked Addison looking over at Meredith's red flushed face. "As ready as i can ever be" she whimpered. "You are fully dialated, and ready" smiled Addison,

"One last push Meredith" smiled Addison, Meredith groaned really hard in pain and pushed out her baby, the loud cries of a baby were heard and Addison smiled in adorement "Your little girl is here, Derek do you want to cut the cord?" asked Addison, Derek took the cissors happily and cut it. While the nurses took baby 1 to get cleaned Meredith was pushing out baby 2. "Come on Mer.." shrieked Derek, "Let's bring our son to this world" added Derek smiling. Meredith groaned in pain and puffed out loud.

"Rachel Looks so beautifull" whispered Meredith when she looked at her red fluffy ball of cuteness in her arms, "Lucas does to" smiled Derek glancing from both of his babies, to his wife, "Lexie is coming by with Emma in 10 minutes" whispered Derek softly, "Emma can finally meet Lucas and Rachel" smiled Meredith moving her hand on Rachel's little belly. "Switch?" asked Derek, Meredith and Derek exchanged the babies, Meredith now holding Lucas and Derek holding Rachel.

"mommy" squeeled Emma when she saw her mother "Hey baby" smiled Meredith, "Hey..." whispered Lexie soft,kissing Meredith's cheek, and squeezing Derek's shoulder. "they look so alike mommy, who is who?" asked Emma softly patting on the belly of one of the babies. "The one in the pink blanket is baby Rachel Tharsiga and the one in the blue blanket is baby Derek Lucas" smiled Derek proudly holding his bundle of joy.


4 days later...

Derek put both babies in their baby chair, "Ready to go Mer" smiled Derek looking over at his exhausted wife "I'm going to miss the help of the nurses tho" chuckeled Meredith soft. "We have Lexie" responded Derek, getting a smile from Meredith.

"Let's get you two inside" chuckeled Derek looking at his son and daughter. Meredith opened their front door being greeted by all of their friends and family. "Welcome Home" they all shouted, Meredith got Rachel out of her chair and Derek got Lucas out of his chair "Hey guys" smiled Meredith, Carolyn Shepherd was the first to ran up to them "Can i hold my second granddaughter?" she asked looking pleading. "Sure" smiled Meredith, carefully handing Rachel to Carolyn.

"She is beautifull Meredith" smiled Carolyn, "You're a good person Meredith" added Carolyn, Meredith looked up surprised, "Thanks Carolyn.." smiled Meredith.

Derek and Meredith got into bed together both holding a baby, Emma ran up to the bed and crawled inbetween Derek and Meredith. "We can move in next week" smiled Derek, " I got the call right before you went into labor" he added. Meredith looked at Derek excited and smiled "We are building our life together" smiled Meredith proud, locking her lips with Derek's "I love you Derek","I love you Meredith".

The End

A/N; you might feel it but yes this is the end guys! thats for all the votes 420! its alot thanks, i'm thinking about starting a sequel about this story, comment your thoughts.

^^^I'd really appreciate comments.

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