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"I'm still alive but barely breathing."

"What the bloody hell was that?" Newt asks.

"I have no shucking Idea." Alby says but I stay silent.

I knew what that was, it just didn't make sense. How did just by touching Alby I could see all of that, was Caleb actually my brother? I didn't know how to make sure.

I stand up and sped walked out of the room, I walked down the rickety stairs, and burst out of the door of the homestead. I didn't think, I just started running around, scaling the walls of this place.

Mason told me that they was called Gladers, does this mean this place is the Glade? I didn't know but my hair was starting to get in my face but I didn't have a bobble so I sped up causing my hair to whip back behind me.

When I get to the forest type place, I slowed down and wiped the sweat of from my forehead but I realized that I wasn't out of breath. This just gets weirder and weirder. I lean against a tree and look up at the light of the sun coming down through gabs of the leaves on the trees.

"You hungry, Greenie?" Mihno says walking up to me.

"You bet I am, Pansycake." I tell him.

We smile goofily at each other as we walk back the way I came.

"You run pretty fast, how are you not out of breath?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I honestly have no idea." I answer. I was waiting for it, waiting for him to ask.

"So, what happened back at the homestead?" There it is.

"I think I remembered something from my past, but it seems so, weird." I tell him truthfully.

Why was everyone split? did we have to wear those clothes? How come only five different types of people? What did those symbols mean? Thinking of that, why did I recognize the two symbols? the flames and the hands? I think back to my tattoo's.

"Pansycake, what tattoo's are on my arms?" I ask him.

"A circle with flames inside, and one with a two hands that look like somebody is helping someone up." he answers, and there was my answer.

I recognized them because I got tattoo's of them. I think about it more, about the memory I had. I sat with the people in gray, their symbol was the hands.

Then I chose the people dressed in black, and their symbol was the flames. I just wonder what I chose. We exit the forest and head to where I can smell food. We walk in and stood in line, I hear, well feel, someone stand behind me.

"Boo." I hear someone whisper in my ear.

I feel my cheeks flush but fortunately, my hair covers my face.

"Hey, Newt right?" I say. He looks hurt but covers it quickly.

"Yeah, that's me." He says giving me a small, tight smile.

I felt hurt because I knew that I'm the one that hurt him like that. I inwardly kick myself.

"I see you found her." Mason says, walking in with Clint and Jeff.

"Yup, I seen this thing speed around the edges of the glade and followed it into the deadheads where she was staring up at the sky, not out of breath at all." Mihno tells them like he had won a trophy and was showing it off.

"Are you sure she hadn't caught her breath before you got there?" Newt says skeptically.

"I'm a runner, dude, she was fast but she was in my eye sight the entire time! I'm telling you, She's good." he protests.

They both argue with each other totally forgetting I was there and It was hurting my head. My vision started to spin around, it was making me dizzy.

It was my turn to collect my food and Mihno and Newt hadn't realized yet, I started to sway and everyone's eyes were on me with worry. I start to hear a high pitched noise and I covered my ears trying to muffle it. I stand up and the cook looks at me with worry.

"Want it to go?" He asks and I nod gasping.

I turn to the still arguing boys who haven't noticed that most of the boys in the room are throwing daggers at them. I whimper, the pain starting to become unbearable. The cook comes back with my food In a bag and after saying a quick thank you, I grab it and bolt out the door, well.

I would of gotten outside the door if it wasn't for the fact that the pain had caused me to black out and face plant the floor. Well done, Tris. You genius.

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