Four ate the last bit of my cake!

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"Can I lay by your side, next to you, next to you?"

"Hey...Alby." I say awkwardly, all of us still on the floor, piled on the ground on top of each other.

"What the shucks is going on?" He asks carefully, looking at us weirdly.

"Four ate the last bit of my cake!" I cry out.

"What cake!"

"My dauntless cake! My cake!" I say, screaming the last part at Four. He looked at the others for an insight to what the shuck I was on about but they all gave him a 'ask and you'll regret it' look.


I hear my name but I know it wasn't anyone here for two simple reasons; I don't recognise the voice, and nobody knows my full first name is Beatrice. Not even I knew it at the start and yet I hear a voice saying it like nobody's business.

Beatrice? Can you hear me?

I hear the voice again, I look at Newt, he was looking at me confused, as was everybody else. Everyone but Tobias. 'Natalie' he mouthed at me, Natalie, that name was familiar. Tobias had used it earlier today, he said it when I told everyone that I had died and seen a woman, my mother, Tobias said her name was Natalie. The woman speaking to me is my mother.

Mom? Mom I that you?

It's me sweetheart. Thank god you're alive.

Did I actually die? or was it just my imagination?

No, you actually did die sweetie, David shot you in the leg, you died from blood loss.

Why did he shoot me?

You was being stubborn, just like me and your father.

I'm stubborn here and they aren't trying to kill me.

Beatrice, I don't have much time. I need to tell you this and you have got to listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you.

Got it, what is it?

You are in the glade for a reason. I want you to be exactly who you made yourself back in dauntless. Cheeky, stubborn, curious. Jeanine couldn't get much information out of you when she did them tests and WICKED somehow worked out you are more special than just being divergent. You are Tris Prior, the girl with 6 fears, the girl who escaped death more times than people can count on their fingers, Tris Prior, the Divergent and the Insurgent. Them two combined creates so much power, more Power than you can realise. All those boys in there was placed there but not you, you went in there without them knowing. They are monitoring you trying to figure out why. Every time you see a beetle blade, touch it. Smile at it. Stomp on it. You may not realise it but one by one you are cutting off their power source. I know the rules of the glade, and number three is to never go into the maze. I know it seems crazy and ludicrous but, whenever you see an opportunity, go into the maze but don't make it seem to obvious that you are Breaking the rules, you will know when the time is right.

Go into the maze and do what?

You will need to Run and see how many plaques there are, you will know what I'm on about when you see one. Anyway, count as many as you can in the time you have, and then ask a runner how many plaques there are.

Mom, this makes zero sense.

It will soon clear itself up Tris, I have to go, I will try and talk to you soon. Remember what I just said and these three things; one, the quote we would always say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Two, be careful with who you trust, not everyone is what they seem to be, including you. Finally, Newt's a good kid, keep him. Sorry Tobias.


No offense taken Natalie, your daughter is a perfect woman and deserves the best, I had my turn and now it's time to pass on the luck.

Exactly, what a gentleman you have become over the past two years.

Thank you Natalie, I believe you have to go so we will too. Anyway, we are getting shouted at here..I think...

What did you do?

Dauntless cake.

Dauntless cake.

You two never learn, anyway, I have to go! Talk to you later Beatrice, love you!

"I love you too, mom." I say, a single tear floating its way down my face.

"Mom?" I hear people say around me.

They can't know. Tobias tells me.

"I was just I imagining what It would be like if I was with my mom, not here, back in dauntless, or abnegation. I pictured me as a Little girl drawing on a kitchen table, my hair in ponytails. My faceless mom would look up to me and tell me that she loved me." I Lied, but as I said that, I actually did imagine all of that, everything was true only apart from my mother's face being non-existent. Everybody was silent but I wasn't complaining, I was tired. My eyes start to drop and suddenly I feel two hands pick me up, one arm under my knees, and the other behind my head.

I feel a calming sway and I know I am being carried, I can feel the soft breeze of the glades air and know we are walking to the homestead. Newt carries me up the stairs, managing to dodge the already sleeping Boys hands and legs that tossed everywhere on the floor. Eventually, he lies me down on the bed and I give him a kiss, I don't have anymore energy to do anything else even though I wanted to, talking to my mother really did drain my energy. I lay back down and hear ruffling then a few seconds later Newt is sliding in bed next to me.

"Tomorrow," He whispers in my ear. "You're going to tell me the truth." I ponder on this for a few moments until I hear a gentle knock on the door, the knock was in a familiar rhythm but it was one I couldn't place. Sliding from the covers, I walk over to the door and open it. I open it to see a tired looking Four.

"I can't sleep outside like you can."

"You can sleep on the floor next to me."

"Thank you." I made a bed on the floor for Four and he takes off his worn boots and lies down.

"Goodnight, Tobias."

"Goodnight, Tris."

UNPREDICTABLE ✞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora