You may be good, but food is better.

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I sit bolt upright screaming, I was covered in sweat and my head was pounding, my foot killing like hell.

What the actual hell just happened?

I look around and see that I was connected to a thousand wires, an annoying beeping noise of the machine next to me was going off making me want to punch it to shut it up.

Where am I?

A door I didn't notice opens and a woman wearing a blue and white playsuit and blazer walks in with a massive smile on her face. She hands me a bowl of chicken nuggets and I start eating them, suddenly realising how hungry I actually way.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask while still eating the nuggets.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I ask you first."

"I asked you second."

We stare at each other, knowing that this could go on for a while.

"Your arguments were rubbish," I blurt out.

"Yes, but you gotta admit I'm good."

"You're good, but food is better."

"Alright, you win this one," she says chuckling.

"Tris," I say with a smile.

I notice the twinkle in the woman's eyes, a friendly look clearly displayed in them.

"Welcome back, Tris. I'm Evelyn, Erudite."


I couldn't believe it. None of it was real. I never went up in the box. I never punched Mason in the face. I never met Newt, Minho, Gally, Alby, Frypan, Clint, Jeff, George, Zart... I never met anyone that was in the glade. It was all a simulation.

I'm not pregnant.

The fact that I never met the dirty blonde haired boy names Newt and that I wasn't pregnant was his child was what hit harder than the rest. I knew my love for Newt will always stay, even if Newt wasn't real. Because I know that my love for his was- is.

Evelyn calmly and carefully explained it all to me, I was put under the simulation just after they used the resurgent cure on me, wanting to once again watch over my brain. I've been here in the Erudite compound for seven months.  That's why it felt like I was actually in the Glade, because I was actually living each day... Just in the simulation.

"We've got all of our information," Evelyn starts, sitting on the end of my bed.

My head was resting against the window. All the memories that came rushing back were running around in my head, giving me a migraine.


"You're free to go back to Dauntless,"

I whip my head around and see the small woman smiling, hiding the stress and worry lines that I know are on her face.


She nods her head and I jump up, I get to go back. They can finally see that I'm alive, that I'm not dead. Im not dead.

Me and Evelyn catch a train from Erudite, which she is now head of, to Dauntless. I'm shaking with nerves, will they remember me? Will they bring me back into their lives?

After a while I fall asleep on the ride there and about half an hour later, Evelyn is shaking me awake.

"We're here. Are you ready?" She asks gently.

I nod my head smiling and we both jump onto the roof. We both jog over to the ledge where I remember is a net below and I jump down, whooping and laughing. I drag myself off and seconds later Evelyn comes down too, laughing also.

We walk around the familiar halls and corridors that I went through my invitation in, I smile and laugh as I see children running around being chased by Christina.

"I'm going to get you!" She proclaims.

"No you're not!" They sing back to her before running as far as their little legs will take them.

"Yes I- Tris!" She shouts before bringing me into a tight hug.

"Can't. Breath." I manage to let out.

"Oh, sorry," she says, sheepishly.

I smile and we catch up a little before I go to meet everyone else, so we're happy to see me and some couldn't really care, but they were all grateful that I brought peace. Well, I participated in bringing peace.

Soon I had reunited with everyone but one, the person who I was most anxious to see.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Christina asks.

"I'm fine, if not, I'll floor him. Glader style,"

She gives me a odd look but before she could ask anything, I'm already walking away down the corridor.

My mind navigates my way without me really giving it any thought and within minutes, I'm standing outside the door of my future. This is going to help determine where I go from here. I take a deep breath and shakily knock on the door.


And this is the end of the book.


It's been great writing this book for you all, I hope you've enjoyed the story and I'm sorry if I disappointed you with the ending... It's crap I know.


Anyway thank you all.
Thank you for the 2k views, for the 186 votes and the 137 comments, you are all truly amazing.

Hopefully I see some of you soon but if not, farewell!


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