Chapter 1

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"Alright everyone, it's time for me to go! Thank you, Tokyo!" Nora spoke into her microphone while smiling and waving to her audience. The audience cheered while the singer stood there for a minute before turning and walking backstage.

"Wonderful performance as always, Nora!" Ryu, Nora's manager, praised with a grin. He had been the first to get to her after the stage technician helped her with her microphone and was now leading Nora to her green room. "All we have left now are the last two performances here before the tour is over."

"Great," Nora said, giving a smile and a wave to the few stage workers they passed on their way to her green room.

Ryu closed the door behind her as Nora sat down and took out her blond hair extensions. "On another note, I just got an update about the UA recommendation."

Nora, who had taken out all of her hair extensions and was pulling her hair up into a loose ponytail to become the famous pop idol's true identity, Noriko Hiromi, stared at Ryu. "And?"

"You were accepted," Ryu said with a small smile.

Noriko took in a breath. Ryu had brought up the idea of Noriko enrolling in UA's hero course after her studio was attacked by villains and running numbers on how it would most likely affect her popularity. Ryu had insisted the time off would end up paying off and that Noriko had the abilities for it. Noriko, on the other hand, hadn't been as excited.

Unlike Noriko's younger brother, Shiro, she had never really had the intention to become a hero. Singing had always been her passion. And as much as she loved heroes and enjoyed pretending to be one with her brother when they were little, the thought of truly becoming a hero had never really interested her.

When Ryu first brought up the idea to her months ago, she had been completely against it. She didn't want to become a hero just for fame or because one villain decided to invade one of her recording studios - even if that event had been scary. She had other things to focus on besides a dream that wasn't hers. But after talking about it with her brother, she no longer hated the idea. But even after becoming more open to the idea, the main reason she had let Ryu recommend her for the program was because she didn't expect to actually get in. Though, she knew that had been a dumb thought since she knew how good Ryu was at selling things and probably easily convinced the school that having her in the hero program would benefit all parties.

"Look, I understand if you want to turn it down, but I think this will turn out to be good for you," Ryu started after a long minute of silence. "There aren't that many popular singers who are also heroes. You'll be a huge inspiration, and isn't that what you want? To inspire people?"

Noriko sighed, "Yeah, I just, didn't really expect to actually get in."

"Why not? You're talented and smart and have special circumstances that would make any school want you." Ryu said.

"I just..." Noriko trailed off and lightly shook her head before grabbing the change of clothes that were laid out for her on a stool next to the bathroom door. "Nevermind, I'll be out in a minute."

Noriko stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her before letting out a long sigh. She took off the navy blue dress she had on for the second half of her performance and changed into a silver-blue hoodie and leggings.

UA's hero course. Is that really something I want to do? Noriko thought as she stared at herself in the mirror. She messed with her hair a bit in the mirror before slapping her face with water. It was strange to her how much extensions and a little bit of makeup could do.

Noriko had never really had problems with keeping her identity private since she debuted over a year ago. Even after she became popular and gained obsessed fans, no one managed to find out anything about her private life besides what she told them. Thinking about it, it was probably because Ryu had a team dedicated to just keeping rumors about her identity and private life on a leash. Though, Noriko had always been careful when it came to her private life. She shared very little about it with the public. No one even knew she had a brother or anything about her parents.

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