Chapter Eight

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"You ever think this would be where our lives would end up?"

Mal looked over at Uma who was looking at her engagement ring, her hand lifted to the ceiling so that it was right over her face. Both girls had commandeered a guest room and were having what would have been called a sleep over by anyone but them.

To them, it was just tradition. There was hardly a night where Uma and Mal weren't curled up under what scraps of sheets they could find in their clubhouse, or in their beds in the Underworld after Mal found out that her dad was her dad.

Even once both of them were in Auradon, they tried to have their 'sleepovers' though they became few and far between as they got closer to Evie. They didn't want the other girl to feel left out.

Though this definitely called for a Godling sleep over.

"You mean you finally out of your denial and finally engaged to Harry and me pregnant with the next ruler of Auradon?" Mal asked.

"Oddly enough that is what I meant. It's almost as if you can read my mind."

Mal snorted in amusement before shaking her head. "No, I never thought this was where our lives would end up. If you had told me, the day I left the Isle for Auradon, that I'd end up being the Queen of Auradon and pregnant with the kingdom's heir...I'd have you thrown off the docks out of fear you'd gone mad."

"Jay and Harry would have done that for you too," Uma nodded. "I have to say, Uncle Hades has good taste when it comes to an engagement ring."

"Well he is the God of Wealth after all," Mal chuckled. "He has so few opportunities to use that title that when he does, he wants to make sure it's memorable. He made your ring by the way."

"He did?"

"Yep. Took notes during the planning session and everything so he wouldn't forget exactly what Harry wanted your ring to be like."

Uma chuckled softly. "I'm surprised Uncle Hades didn't make your ring too, considering you're his daughter and all."

Mal sighed softly. "I'm sure he wanted to. But dad was on the Isle when Ben asked him for permission to marry me so all he could do was the gem."

She shook her head. "But enough of that, what are you guys going to do for your wedding?"

"Well, we actually don't want to wait that long," Uma said. "You know us Mal, we don't need anything fancy or over the top. Just a few friends, The Lost Revenge, and a cake should be fine."

"You could ask Mrs. Potts to make the cake," Mal said. "I'm sure Chip would be happy to ask her for you."

"Hmm...would she be able to avoid making it all fru-fru?"

"Uma, it's Mrs. Potts. The most fru-fru thing she does is put a piece of tomato in the middle of a grilled cheese sandwich. The woman's like a second mother to Ben anyway and a third mother to me, if you told her you wanted a cake shaped like The Lost Revenge, she'd probably make it for you."

"Well now we don't need it to be that fancy. Just a chocolate cake would do...but could she make our hats?"

"Of course she can! It's Mrs. Potts after all."

Uma and Mal both chuckled as they leaned against the pillows on the bed they were sharing.

"What's it like?" Uma asked after a few minutes. "Being married?"

Mal shrugged. "Not that much different than having a crew. have a co-captain through thick and thin, someone who'll help you weather the storm and lead you to port even when you think you can't do it yourself."

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