Just a kid vampire Au- tommy

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'OI!! GET BACK 'ERE KID.' the shop keeper shouts angrily, as a boy from the streets grabs a pastry from his show window and runs off.

the kid turns a corner and leans against the wall. that kid was tommy. he has blonde curly hair that was tinged brown from the dirt and grime on the streets he was living on, his clothes are scruffy and have some holes and even though he's 14 he's very small for his age.

he chomps down on the pastry. closing is eyes as he eats.

'enjoying that are you.' someone chuckles.

he opens his eyes. in front of him is a man with long pink hair and a red cape. he's extraordinarily pale. like soooo pale. the mysterious pink man laughs again watching the boy stare at him, revealing his pointed teeth. something in his brain clicks. he backs against the wall as far as he can.

tommy pov-

he's a vampire. he must be. he's gonna kill me isn't he. i've heard of this guy before some other kid on the street told me about vampires years ago. he mentioned a pink haired 'blood god' i gulped wishing the wall would let me hide in it.

'oh yes that would be my brother wilbur telling you that.' he stared me dead in the eyes.
'i-i but i didn't say anything.' i stuttered.
'your mind did though.' techno replied smirking.

technos face turned blank again, looking dead. although on second thoughts he probably was dead...

techno grabbed my arm and pulled me up, he swatted the pastry out of my hand and snarled, 'you won't be needing that again.' he said.
i had no idea what he was on about at the time, i wish i had never found out.

he dragged me through the town i tried to scream but it was like my mouth was sewn shut. so instead i dragged my heels, hoping he'd stop.

'for gods sake tommy.' techno looked annoyed now and muttered a few words. i felt my body turn to stone, like a deadweight.

i whimpered and he then picked me up and carried me to where ever we were going. he walked through the town and then out of it, arriving to the outskirts filled with fields and woodland, and then started climbing a hill.

we arrived a few hours later at a huge house on top of the hill we had been climbing. techno brought me inside. 'i got him dad.' he shouted.
'bring him in.' an unknown voice shouted back.

i was terrified by now. even if i could move i don't think i would be able to. i felt tears dripping down my cheeks, and the only noises i could make where whimpers. we entered a room with a few people in it.

'technoooo, you didn't, the poor thing you can't just take away everything! look see he's terrified.' someone exclaimed, 'he wouldn't stay still! i had no choice.' techno replied defensively, 'you wanted him and unless he wanted to willingly come with some random person he'd never met that's not gonna happen.' he exclaimed.

'i suppose so.' the man said and then muttered some words under his breath.

and then, just like that, i could feel my mouth and the rest of my body again. i breathed thankfully.

'bring him here techno.' the man said. techno placed me on the man's lap.

'my names philza.' he said comfortingly, 'i'm sorry techno had to do that to you but we did have to get you here somehow!'
i didn't say a word. i just couldn't. the manipulation thing the pink guy had been taken off me but i was just too scared to talk.

'look see you scared him techno.' philza said, he was kind of smiling though almost as if he was mocking me being so scared. 'what's your name?' he asked me. 't-tommy' i whimpered.
'ahh, finally a name behind the boy we've been so interested in.' phil said.
'tommy we've been looking for someone like you for a while, someone who has no family and who shows promise of strength and ability. and it seems wilbur here,' he pointed at another man who was sat on the sofa, the man smiled at me, 'thought you would be the right choice.'

'w-why though.' i questioned.
'you're not gonna like this.' wilbur said softly.
'yep sorry bud i know you've only just got here but we have no time to waste.' phil said, 'we're gonna turn you.'

turn me!?!!?

i managed to escape phils grip and attempted to run, i slipped a little, i heard them all laugh behind me, i opened the door and ran through a corridor. it was huge in here, like overwhelmingly big. the doors all looked the same and each time i turned a corner i swore i was going down the same corridor each time. i turned around to check if anyone was following me but as i did so i felt someone grab my shoulder.
'do it quick.' a the pink haired one said to phil.
phil nodded.

'sorry kid.' he said solemnly. i watched in terror as he leaned his neck back and then pushed it forward again on to my neck. the pain was like no other. it hurt like someone was burning me from the inside, pain shot up and down my body as i begged myself to pass out.

i went limp and then darkness clouded my vision as i took my last breath as a human.


author here <3
i hope you like this! i'll be making a part 2 don't you worry :)

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