train ride- tommy

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i stood on the platform, i was wishing it would come faster because i needed to get to wilbur's house on time so we could do our stream together before it was too late in the day. my breathing increased as i thought maybe wilbur would be angry.

i was incredibly stressed and hadn't slept in a while so i was tired too.

about 5 minutes later the train finally showed up. luckily there weren't too many people getting on so apart from a few, i pretty much had the whole section to myself.

i sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. the worry wasn't over yet but at least i was here right?

i decided to set an alarm on my phone to wake me up before my stop, so i could sleep since after looking in the mirror i had discovered the huge bags under my eyes that wilbur would most certainly notice.

obviously he wouldn't be mad or anything but he'd probably cancel the stream and tell me to get some rest. but i didn't want to let anyone else down. i feel like i do that too much. i've cancelled soooo many plans cause of anxiety (same tommy) i have to just suck it up.

i feel my eyes getting heavy and my final thought before i drift off is, i'll only sleep for a little while.

4 hours later...

i felt someone prodding me on the shoulder so shrugged them off me. i was still tired i wanted them to leave me be. but then i remembered i was on a train.

'hey mate this is the final stop you have to get off.' he said, annoyance present in his tone.

oh shit.

i rushed off the train, immediately asking a passer by what time it was.

'10' the man said and continued walking.
i felt my eyes go wide as i gulped.
i hesitantly opened my phone just to be met with about 100 calls and texts from wilbur.


you're trains arriving soon isn't it?
i'll wait at the station for you
where are you?
you should be off by now

missed call 7:31
missed call 7:56
missed call 8:40

tommy what the hell
where are you we need to stream soon
tommy i'm worried are you okay?

missed call 9:37


i screwed up big time. he's gonna be so mad. i felt tears gather in my eyes. i was cold and tired and it was dark out.
i called wilbur.

'i'm sorry wilb.' i sniffled.
'hey tommy what's wrong?' i could hear his concern.
that sentence made me break down. perhaps it was the built up stress, maybe the cold or maybe just someone asking him if he was okay. but i started sobbing.

'deep breaths tommy. it's okay. can you tell me where you are?' he asked softly.
in between breaths i managed to tell him the station.
'fuck how did you get there?' he chuckled.
'i fell asleep.'
'okay okay don't worry i'll come get you. i'll be like an hour though you're quite far.'

wilbur hung up and so i sat on a bench, shivering. i was absolutely freezing and the tears on my face continued coming.

after what felt like an eternity, wilbur's car showed up. he quickly got out and kneeled in front of the bench i was sat on. 'you're gonna have a fever toms.' he said gently, but concerned.
he guided me back to his car and the second i sat down i fell asleep.


'oh he's waking up!' i recognised that voice, it was phil?
'oh good finally.' yes and that was wilbur.
my eyes fluttered open. i felt strangely warm and cold. i groaned a little.
'how are you feeling tommy? you're running an impressively high fever mate.' phil said.
to be honest i felt like shit. my body felt cold yet so very warm.
'gross.' i muttered.
wilbur ruffled my hair. 'you must have been so tired you've been sleeping for ages!' he said.
'i fell asleep on the train too. that's why i missed the stop.' i replied truthfully.
'why're you so tired?' phil asked concerned.
'i haven't been sleeping well, too much editing and shit.' i replied.
both of them sighed.
'well you aren't doing any of that here. me and phil have decided no filming either.' wilbur said.
'what?!' i was shocked
'first of all you can't barely move second of all your temperature is dangerously high. and third of all you clearly need a break.' he said firmly.

'yep, you have no choice toms!' phil said smiling.


i didn't proof read so i'm actually so sorry if there's any mistakes but i just so cba looking over it lmao

also does anyone else get 'know' and 'now' mixed up cause same. it's so annoying but my brain just can't do it. lol

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