tired and sick- tommy (bench trio+ sbi)

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my eyes snapped open. i'd had another nightmare and so i'd only slept for about and hour or so. nevertheless i had to get up for school. i got dressed and walked downstairs, yawning as i did so. i grabbed an apple and sat down at the breakfast table, 'good morning toms!' wilbur said brightly. his back was turned to the fridge as he also got some food. he turned around and gasped.

'tommy?! are you okay? you look so pale! are you ill?' he rushed over to me and held his hand on my head. he furrowed his brows. 'tommy you're quite warm' he said worriedly, i'll tell phil. 'P-
'NO will shhhh.' i whisper shouted. 'i have an exam i can't stay home!' i explained.
'but tommy you're tired and sick, you literally have bags under your eyes!' he protested.
'no- no it's fine. it's only a few hours i'll be okay.'
before he could argue with me anymore i grabbed my bag and walked out the door.


i watched tommy walk out and then sighed. we looked so sick he definitely shouldn't be in school.
i saw phil rush downstairs, 'gotta run wil i'm gonna be late to work!' he said quickly.
'okay see ya.' i replied, waving as he left.

i pondered what i would do about tommy. i could text tubbo and tell him to keep an eye on tommy? yes. good idea.

hey! can you keep an eye on tommy please? he looked tired and sick this morning but he refused to stay home.
sent 8:32

i felt a little better, not much, but a little. i hoped tubbo would reply soon. mid thought i heard a ding from my phone.

yeah i've just seen him! he looks super sick.
sent 8:36

oh why oh why did i let him leave the house.

'TECHNO' i shouted.
i heard him grumbling and then his footsteps down the stairs.
'what?' he asked.
'tommys sick.' i said.
'well where is he?' he asked looking around worriedly.
'he went to school and i thought he was i'll but he said he had an exam and then walked out. so i texted tubbo to ask if tommy was okay and he said he looks really sick.' i groaned.
techno sighed, 'well don't panic, i'm sure if he's feeling that bad he'd go to a teacher or tell tubbo or something.' he said, trying to reassure me.


i tried my best i really did. the words on my exam paper were blurring into one big blob. i felt a tear slide down my face and onto my paper.

i looked around, i saw ranboo watching me. he did a hand signal, pointing towards the door, asking me if i wanted to leave. i nodded, getting up and walking to the door.

'hold it. this is an exam, sit back down.' the moderator said sternly, blocking the exit.

'move out the way.' tubbo came up behind me and he and ranboo pushed passed the lady, who looked shocked at our nonchalance.

the two of them walked me to student services, the lady there was very kind. she let tubbo call wilbur for me.

'hi wil tommy's really not well i think he has a fever or something can you come pick him up please?'
he said, looking over at me sympathetically.

i couldn't hear Wilbur's response but i imagined he would come pretty quickly.

tubbo put the phone back down and then came and sat next to me and ranboo. i leaned up against them both groaning at the pain in my head and the sick feeling that had been building up since the exam had started.

wilbur arrived quickly, he rushed in looking concerned. 'aww tommy.' he said sadly when he saw me. he helped me stand and then put his arm around me as we walked to the car.

once we got back home i felt so rubbish, tears started falling down my cheeks.

wilbur guided my over to the sofa, making me lay down. 'sh shhhh it's okay toms!' he said softly. 'let's check your temperature hmm?' he went to grab a thermometer and came back, this time techno followed him.

the two of them came over. techno on one side and wilbur on the other. 'okay tommy.' he said putting the thermometer into my ear.

i didn't see the temperature straight away but from the look on wilbur's face and then also technos suggested it wasn't great.
'oh god tech that's super high. call dad quick.' he said worry spreading across his face.

i started whimpering, the two of them were panicked and were trying to cool me down. techno got a flannel and soaked it in ice cold water, he placed it on my forehead, and wilbur grabbed the fan and turned it towards me.

i started shivering. my head felt hot but i was cold. 'wilby i don't like this.' i groaned.
'i know i know tommy im sorry i know that you're feeling miserable.' he said sympathetically, 'phil will be home soon though!! he'll know what to do!' he said, trying to be positive.

perfectly timed, phil walked through the door, 'hey tommy.' he said. i started crying again, i felt some useless and gross. 'shhhh shh it's okay.' he comforted me. 'pass me the thermometer again wilbur.' he asked.

he put it in my ear again. 'hmm.' 'it's still high.' he said rubbing my back. 'let's put on a film hmm?' he said gently.

over the next few hours we watched up. the three of them checking on me and replacing the flannel for a colder one when it got warm.

i eventually fell asleep, feeling a bit better.


that was such an impulsive oneshot btw i had 3 ideas and then all of a sudden i started writing this one 😫


the next one is an idea i got when i was learning about something boring in chemistry and i started daydreaming so yeah

author <3

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