sleep walker- tommy

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the ground is cold and damp, the rain seeps through his top. he groans and opens his eyes. 'tech?' he calls out softly, 'wil?' but no response.

he takes a good look around, a slight gasp escaping his lips as he realises that he is not in the bed with techno and wilbur that he originally was when he fell asleep.

tommy whimpers, pushing himself up, looking around.

i'm in a field? the confusion scares him and he starts sobbing. 'wilby?' he cries, stumbling in a random direction.

he walks absent mindedly through the trees and pouring rain. his hair wet and his clothes drenched.

by some miracle it seemed tommy had been walking in the right direction, his house was just metres away when he next looked up. he opened the door which was unlocked and sluggishly walked up the stairs, shivering with each step. he walked into his room where techno and wilbur where lay, he slumped down and closed his eyes. his energy completely gone.

'tommy time to get up.'

'wilbur he's drenched!' techno exclaimed.
'what?!' wilbur asked, walking over to tommy, 'his hairs all muddy as well, and he's freezing. what the hell?'

'PHIL!' techno shouted.

'what's up boys.' phil said breathlessly, he had ran from his room after hearing technos voice of worry.

'tommys muddy, drenched and freezing and we have no idea why.' wilbur explained.

phil ran over to tommy, 'mate?' he said softly shaking the boy.

tommy groaned, his eyes fluttering open, 'i-i'm cold.' he whispers.

'what on earth happened tommy?' phil asked gently.
'i don't know?!' his lip quivered, 'i-i just woke up in the forest.' he sniffled.
'tommy i think you were sleep walking.' phil said worriedly, 'wilbur help him get dry and then come downstairs so we can warm him up.'

techno and phil left the room, 'it's okay toms.' wilbur whispered to tommy who was crying silently. he helped the boy to change into other clothes that weren't soaked and then rubbed tommys hair with a towel.

'c'mere' wilbur opened his arms so tommy could hug him, 'you're okay, you're safe now i promise, it must have been scary waking up somewhere you didn't know huh?' wilbur said sympathetically.

'y-yeah.' he shivered.
'let's get you downstairs and warm toms, you're still cold to the touch bud.' wilbur said sadly, he gently picked tommy up and walked downstairs with him in his arms.

he set tommy down on the sofa where phil and techno had been busy making hot water bottles and had even got a fire going. techno draped him in a blanket, 'you can sleep now tommy.' he said gently, seeing the boys eyelids were drooping.

tommy fell asleep almost instantly, techno chuckled.

'he's never done that before phil, are you sure he was sleepwalking?' wilbur asked.
'well i'm obviously not 100% but-'

he looked over to tommy, who was squirming in his sleep. then he stood up.

'tommy?' techno questioned.

tommy made no reply,  he walked straight to the door.

'TOMMY?' techno shouted, running to the door to try and stop him from getting out.

he lightly moved tommy away, but that touch and the scream from before woke him up.

tommy snapped his eyes open, looking disoriented and then he collapsed to the ground. scrambling towards the wall in a panic, confused and scared.

'tommy, tommy hey it's just me techno okay? you're safe i promise.' techno said crouching to where tommy was.

'you were sleep walking again bud.' phil responded.

techno lifted him off the ground and back to the couch. 'i-i don't wanna sleep walk again.' tommy sniffled.

'now we know what it is, we can stop you from doing it okay? we'll all watch over you tonight so you don't get up again, and then we'll figure out what to do tomorrow.' phil said reassuringly.

wilbur sat next to tommy on the couch, gently stroking his hair. 'you can sleep toms.' he whispered.

tommy fell asleep.


okay so i don't think that's quite how sleepwalking works but hey! i tried my best.

requests or new ideas here—->

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